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After last week’s “Mad Max: Fury Road”-themed Republican National Convention, the bar for Hillary Clinton’s coronation this week in Philadelphia had been set fairly low.

Low enough, apparently, that the Democratic Party managed to trip over it and land face-first in the mud.

The weekend release of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee showed Clinton was unquestionably the party’s favored candidate, enraging the perpetually enraged supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders and prompting party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign.

After spending a week mocking the Republican Party’s lack of unity, Democrats kick off their shindig squabbling and in chaos, all while trying to convince Americans that it was a good idea to nominate one of the most divisive political figures in America.

(Reminder: If Joe Biden had run for president he’d be up 20 points and the convention would be awesome and probably held in a giant pool of Jell-O.)

Sanders protesters — convinced their candidate was robbed of the nomination because they disagree with the basic tenets of mathematics — are more likely than ever to cause trouble in Philadelphia, either protesting outside the convention or whooping and hollering inside.

It’s going to be another fantastic week of politics, 2016-style, meaning nothing will make sense, everyone will walk away angry and we’ll generally be worse off for having witnessed the whole mess.


To prepare you for the goings-on in Philadelphia, which I’ll be watching from a safe distance here in Chicago, I’ve assembled a list of less-publicized events, speakers and activities that I imagine will be rounding-out the jam-packed convention schedule:

Interfaith Nondenominational Atheist-Friendly Silent-Spiritual-Thought Session: A safe space for people of faith (or people not of faith, we don’t judge) to meet and pray (or not pray) for a better tomorrow. Hand-holding allowed upon signing of consent forms. Held in Yurt No. 3, between Pagans for Porpoises and the Gluten Task Force.

A celebration of Thad Walters, a Whole Foods clerk who died during last year’s organic-basil-shortage riots in San Francisco. Donations will be accepted for Thad’s Garden, a program aimed at giving youth in Sub-Saharan Africa access to basil seeds.

Lena Dunham Speaks Naked about the Cultural Appropriation of Lena Dunham’s Nakedness: The star of HBO’s “Girls” will help Democrats appeal to independent voters by taking the stage nude and explaining why everyone should be ashamed for noticing that she is not wearing clothes, as if that’s even a big deal, you patriarchal weirdos.

Geek Squad Email Deletion Center: If you love Hillary Clinton, then you’re going to want all your email deleted from your phone, secret server or laptop. The process is free, and everyone gets a souvenir “Scrubbed By Hillary!” sticker.

Whining Zone: A soundproof area set up outside the Wells Fargo Center for aggrieved Sanders supporters. Will feature Debbie Wasserman Schultz in a dunk tank and an unlimited supply of sour grapes.

Bro-Zone!: This area, located under a bridge in nearby New Jersey, will be for so-called Bernie Bros, a fervent and often sexist subset of Sanders supporters. The Bro-Zone! will feature a panel of psychologists discussing the ills of internet trolling and a high-pitched alarm that sounds every time a bro says, “Actually …”

Katy Perry Fires Condoms at Teens: The pop star, known for using her breasts to shoot everything from whipped cream to fireworks, will take the main stage with bosom-mounted condom cannons and fire them into the arms of adoring liberal teens. This is a “crossover moment” where Democrats believe they can sway Evangelical voters unsure about Republican Donald Trump’s candidacy.

Tim Kaine Pats You on the Back and Tells You About His Mid-sized Sedan: The mild-mannered vice presidential nominee will give gentle pats on the back and tell individual convention-goers how much he has enjoyed owning a Chevy Malibu, both because of the quiet ride and “respectable” gas mileage. Tickets reserved for top Clinton campaign donors, foreign and domestic.

Clearly, it’s going to be a great week for Democrats. And, if things keep going the way they’re going, an even greater week for Republicans.

Originally Published: