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Wearing black gowns and gold sashes, the school colors, Hinsdale South High School seniors marched into the school stadium and their commencement Friday .

Senior Charles Woods welcomed the class of 2016, which totaled 443 graduates, and the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings who were there to celebrate the day.

Woods recounted the stream of football games, tests, dances and cafeteria lunches with friends that made the four years fly by.

Principal Stephanie Palmer told the graduates they were truly special. More students in the 2016 class had taken advanced placement courses than ever before and distinguished themselves in the classrooms and on the athletic fields.

“Your class understands what it means to be a team and work toward a common goal. This will serve you well as you go through life,” Palmer said.

“Some of you may be excited, some of you may be scared,” Serena Patel, class vice president and honors orator, told her classmates. “Believe in yourself and be proud of the adult you have become.” And she reminded them, “you will always have the inner hornet with you,” referring to the class mascot.

Among the crowd of family and friends that overflowed the stands were former hornets, such as Eileen Loonam-Thomas of Burr Ridge, who graduated in 1979.

Loonam-Thomas was holding a bouquet of flowers for her granddaughter, Marissa Loonam, whom she said she had raised like her own daughter. With Marissa’s father and siblings, she waited for her to receive her diploma.

“I am very sad. She is my last. She is leaving and we are going to be empty-nesters,” Loonam-Thomas said.

Helen Redmon said she had mixed feelings as she waited for daughter Helen “Liz” Tinnin’s name to be called.

“It has been a long haul,” Redmon said.

Her daughter received thespian honors for having spent more than 2,000 hours in theater productions, and participated in gymnastics, soccer and cheerleading, she said.

“I’m a drama mama,” Redmon said. “I feel like I am graduating, too.”

Miguel Bucio was there to see his goddaughter, Berenice Sahagun of Burr Ridge, receive her diploma. Sahagun planned to attend Northern Illinois University next year.

“I am excited and proud,” Bucio said.

Jenny Godinez, who graduated from Hinsdale South in 2003, was there to support her younger brother, David Godinez

“He definitely is ready to go on and take that next step. He got a job in a bank, so he can work while he is in school,” Godinez said.

Her cousin, Eddie Andersen, also was graduating. Andersen was in the jazz band, and planned to attend Olivet University next year, Godinez said.

Edward Goldthorpe, who graduated from Hinsdale South five years ago, came back to the school for the first time to see his younger brother Luke graduate. Luke was on the tennis team, the debate team and in the band, Goldthorpe said.

“He is going to University of Minnesota. He wanted to get a little away from the family and they have a good chemistry program,” Goldthorpe said.

Al Carter said he was excited to watch Calvin Johnson graduate.

“He’s my little brother. Of course, I am going to be here,” Carter said. “Whatever he wants to do (after graduation), I am behind him 100 percent.”

School officials specifically congratulated and thanked the nine seniors who had chosen to join the Armed Forces after graduation.

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