Recent decisions

Citation Title
[2024] NSWSC 1171 Fakhouri v The Secretary for the NSW Ministry of Health (No.2)
[2024] NSWSC 1192 Taylor v Papantoniou
[2024] NSWDC 438 Avril Woodstock v Hospitality Industry Insurance Limited
[2024] NSWDC 437 R v Ferguson (No.2)  Am
[2024] NSWCCA 174 Shortland v R
[2024] NSWCCA 175 Aiga v R  Am
[2024] NSWSC 1184 Ter Wisscha v Verlindan
[2024] NSWSC 1191 Al Haje v Elassaad (No 3)
[2024] NSWDC 436 R (Cth) v Cole
[2021] NSWCCA 83 O’Leary v R (Cth)  Am
[2024] NSWCATOD 153 Health Care Complaints Commission v Williams
[2024] NSWSC 1190 Resilium Pty Ltd v Nest Insurance Consult Pty Ltd
[2024] NSWSC 1179 Evagelakos v UPG 318 Pty Ltd
[2024] NSWSC 1194 Aquamore Finance Pty Ltd v Blank Canvas Communications Pty Ltd
[2022] NSWCCA 49 Nehme v R
[2021] NSWSC 1470 R v Dilosa; R v McHenry
[2023] NSWSC 1122 State of New South Wales v Ayoub
[2019] NSWCCA 54 Roach v R
[2024] NSWCATOD 119 Health Care Complaints Commission v Thurlow  Am
[2024] NSWLEC 1579 Prestige Holdings Group Pty Ltd v Shoalhaven City Council
[2024] NSWDC 239 R v RC  Am
[2024] NSWDC 435 R v Neil Duncan
[2024] NSWLEC 1576 Scotton v Crescent Head Resort Pty Ltd
[2024] NSWLEC 1575 ONR Johnston Street Pty Ltd V Inner West Council
[2023] NSWDC 653 Adam Warner v Liddell Coal Operations Pty Limited; Lauren Warner v Liddell Coal Operations Pty Limited
[2024] NSWLEC 1578 Surewin Parkview Pty Ltd v Wollongong City Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1580 Connolly v Waverley Council
[2022] NSWSC 847 R v He
[2024] NSWCATAP 179 YJY v YJX  Am
[2024] NSWIRComm 4 Health Secretary, NSW Ministry of Health v New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Association
[2024] NSWSC 1186 Transport for NSW v Registrar-General of New South Wales
[2016] NSWSC 465 R v Sigalla
[2024] NSWSC 1187 GEMI 169 Pty Ltd v Suria Global (L) Pty Ltd (No 7)
[2024] NSWDC 434 R v Ryan
[2024] NSWSC 1181 Hildebrandt v Papakonstantinou  Am
[2024] NSWSC 1188 The Owners - Strata Plan 82089 v Omaya Holdings Pty Ltd (No 2)
[2024] NSWLEC 1557 Bellevue Projects Pty Ltd v Ku-ring-gai Council  Am
[2015] NSWSC 1973 R v Fesus (No 5)  Am
[2015] NSWSC 1975 R v Fesus (No 7)  Am
[2015] NSWSC 1974 R v Fesus (No 6)  Am
[2015] NSWSC 1972 R v Fesus (No 4)  Am
[2015] NSWSC 1971 R v Fesus (No 3)  Am
[2024] NSWSC 1182 State of New South Wales v Armstrong (Preliminary)
[2021] NSWSC 742 R v Rahim; R v Rizk  Am
[2023] NSWSC 1336 R v IP  Am
[2023] NSWSC 1386 R v Greenfield  Am
[2024] NSWLEC 1296 Lake Illawarra Park Pty Limited v Wollongong City Council (No 2)  Am
[2024] NSWDC 423 SafeWork NSW v Western New South Wales Local Health District  Am
[2024] NSWSC 1185 State of New South Wales v Keech (Final)
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Medium Neutral Citation (MNC)

Each decision or judgment is assigned a unique number, which can be used to identify it. The Medium Neutral Citation, or MNC, is an international standard, and is made up of three parts:

  • [2014]
  • 98
  • The year
    2014 is year that the decision or judgment was delivered.
  • The court
    NSWSC is the New South Wales Supreme Court
  • The sequence no.
    In this case, 98. Sequence numbers may not represent the exact order.