Kylie Jenner Testified That Rob Kardashian Believed Blac Chyna Wanted To Kill Him During An Incident At Her Home

“[Rob] used the words, ‘She was trying to kill me.’”

LOS ANGELES — Kylie Jenner testified in court on Monday that her brother Rob Kardashian told her that Blac Chyna held a gun to his head, strangled him with an iPhone cord, and damaged a door and television while Chyna was under the influence of alcohol and “maybe drugs” during an incident in December 2016.

“[Rob] used the words, ‘She was trying to kill me,’” Jenner told the courtroom, which included her sister Khloé Kardashian and her mom, Kris Jenner, in the gallery.

According to Jenner, Rob Kardashian said he was playing video games when Chyna came up to him and tried to choke him with an iPhone cord. Jenner added he also told her he locked himself in the main bedroom and “that’s why the door was damaged.”

“I did go to the house [after the incident],” Jenner said in response to questions from Chyna’s attorney Lynne Ciani. “I remember him being upset and explaining what happened.”

In her civil suit against the Kardashian family, which is currently on trial, Chyna is seeking millions of dollars in damages from Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Khloé Kardashian, and Kylie Jenner. Chyna, whose real name is Angela White, is blaming the family for the cancellation of the former couple's E! reality show, Rob & Chyna.

Chyna denied the allegations that she had been violent in her own testimony last week, saying she did "jokingly" hold a cord around Rob's neck but she was not trying to "strangle him." She also said that she did not point the gun, which she said was unloaded, at Rob's head.

In her testimony on Monday, Jenner also said that she was initially “a little upset” when Rob got engaged to Chyna because she “found out through the internet.” Jenner’s then-boyfriend, the rapper Tyga, had previously been engaged to Chyna and had a child with her. When Jenner found out Chyna was pregnant again with Rob’s child, Jenner said, “I was happy for my brother. At the same time, I was curious how things would go.”

Sipping out of a black water bottle while on the stand, Jenner testified that when Chyna was pregnant with baby Dream, they had “an OK relationship.”

“I wanted to be cool with Chyna,” she said. “Despite everything, I wanted it to work out for my brother.”

Jenner explained that the couple moved into one of her houses in Hidden Hills because Rob “had expressed wanting to live under the same roof” as Chyna, and one of Jenner’s investment properties happened to be empty. She told the courtroom that she didn’t expect Rob or Chyna to pay rent while living in her house.

Jenner said she began questioning whether Chyna’s love for Rob was real after he told her about the December 2016 incident.

Jenner said that Tyga had told her that when he dated Chyna, she slashed his arm and that she has substance abuse issues with alcohol and drugs.

During her relationship with Tyga, which has since ended, Jenner said one morning she woke up to threatening text messages from Chyna, which included devil emojis and “something along the lines of, ‘counting down the days.’”

“I didn’t report it because I took it as an empty threat,” Jenner said. “I assumed she was high.”

Jeff Olde, former executive vice president of development and programming at E!, also testified virtually on Monday about the cancellation of Rob & Chyna. Olde insisted the reason the show got canceled after its first season was because the couple broke up. During his testimony, emails from both Kylie Jenner and Khloé Kardashian to Olde at the time were read aloud in which both sisters expressed concerns over Rob's relationship with Chyna.

"I feel very strongly about canceling Season 2 of Rob & Chyna," Jenner wrote. "The show is giving this toxic woman money and exposure she lives and breathes for and by continuing it, she will proceed with using and physically abusing my brother.”

In a separate email, Khloé wrote, "The sisters are clearly concerned and uncomfortable for our brother's safety and the credibility of the brand at this point due to how they are both tarnishing it."

After the jury walked out of the courtroom on Monday, Khloé waved over to Kylie to signal for her to leave the witness stand. Kylie walked past Chyna, then the Kardashian/Jenner sisters exited the courtroom holding hands, followed by Kris Jenner.

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