Harnessing the power of ChatGPT-4 for WordPress publishing

2 responses on “Harnessing the power of ChatGPT-4 for WordPress publishing

  1. Tushar

    TLDR: The speaker discussed about ChatGPT, how it’s used, and at the end, didn’t quite “show” how the plugins can be integrated in WordPress websites. He copy and pasted the paragraphs from ChatGPT and pasted in WordPress for his own blogging website.The presentation had a potential but didn’t quite added anything new to the people who are familiar with ChatGPT and WordPress.Hope to see more informative and hands-on tutorials here in the future.

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  2. test

    The speaker discussed about ChatGPT, how it’s used, and at the end, didn’t quite “show” how the plugins can be integrated in WordPress websites. He copy and pasted the paragraphs from ChatGPT and pasted in WordPress for his own blogging website.The presentation had a potential but didn’t quite added anything new to the people who are familiar with ChatGPT and WordPress.Hope to see more informative and hands-on tutorials here in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

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December 10, 2023

This talk provides a deep dive into the union of ChatGPT-4 and WordPress publishing. For content creators, developers, and WordPress enthusiasts alike, this presentation offers a holistic view of the latest advancements in AI technology and how it’s shaping the future of digital publishing.

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WordCamp Vancouver 2023 21


Aaron Day 1


AI 18
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English 10763

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