• It’s a cute plugin. It’s been around a long time, nice to see the developer sticking with it.

    I installed it years ago in a draft web site I still am working on.

    I want a music file to play when someone loads the home page. Therefore, the autoplay option to play an audio/mp3 file as soon as the page loads is great.

    However, it never stops playing. I have the player in the sidebar so the visitor can see it to shut it off if they want. However, there is no way to tell the little player to ONLY PLAY ONCE. That’s all I need it for. When the visitor arrives at the web site.

    Unfortunately, is plays the music on every single page load.

    I would kindly suggest that you add a default feature to limit plays to once, on the first page load, regardless of how many different pages are loaded.

    Thanks for thinking about it.

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