Comments – wpDiscuz


AJAX realtime comment system with custom comment form and fields. Designed to supercharge WordPress native comments. Super fast and responsive with dozens of features. This is the best alternative to Disqus and Jetpack Comments, if you want to keep your comments in your database.

wpDiscuz version 7 is a revolutionary perspective on the commenting world! This plugin changes your website commenting experience and provides you with new user engagement features. It’s totally improved with brand new innovative features bringing live to your website.

Comments – wpDiscuz Features

  • Three nice and modern comment layouts
  • Brings fastest commenting experience (boosted core)
  • Adds interactive comment box on posts and other content types
  • Inline commenting and feedback. Commenting on post content.
  • Live Notification with real-time updating Comment Bubble.
  • Social Commenting with lots of Social login options
  • Post Rating. Allows to rate posts directly on rating stars.
  • Commenting can be allowed/disallowed on posts and other content types
  • Responsive comments form and comment threads design
  • Clean, simple and easy user interface and user experience
  • Comment list sorting by newest, oldest and most voted comments
  • Anonymous comments ( name and email can be set as not required )
  • Full integration with Social Network Login plugins (Facebook, Twitter…)
  • Multi-level (nested) comment threads, with maximum levels depth setting option
  • Allows to create a new discussion thread and reply to existing comment
  • Ajax button “Load More Comments” instead of simple comments pagination
  • Lazy load wpDiscuz comments on scrolling
  • Different comment date formats, reflects WordPress date format settings
  • Logged in users and guests can edit their comments (time-frame can be limited by admin)
  • Automatic URLs to link conversion in comment texts
  • Automatic image source URLs to image (HTML) conversion in comment texts
  • Long comment text breaking function (“Read more” button)
  • Multiple line-breaks (limited by WordPress comment filter)
  • Comment author notification options with special checkboxes on comment form
  • Subscription activation via additional “Confirm Subscription” email
  • Integration with Postmatic for subscriptions and commenting by email
  • Ability to add comment system on attachment pages if it’s allowed by WordPress
  • Fast and easy comment form with ajax validation and data submitting
  • Fully integrated and compatible with WordPress
  • Uses WordPress Comment system with all managing functions and features
  • Secure and Anti-Spam features will not allow spammers to comment
  • Comment voting with positive and negative result
  • Smart voting system with tracking by logged-in user and cookies
  • Post sharing options: Facebook, Twitter and Google+
  • Quick Tags on comment form textarea
  • Custom Comment Forms with custom fields
  • Rating shortcode for posts via comment custom field [wpdrating] with a lot of attributes
  • Option to overwrite comment template and style
  • Highlighting new comments since last visit with different background
  • Notification to comment author when comment was approved
  • Display only parent comments with view replies (x) button
  • Control commenters by roles (allow/restrict access to website comment area)
  • Option to load all comments on first page load
  • Built-in Gravatar caching
  • Sticky Comments
  • Closed Comments Threads (disable replies)
  • Subscribe to User / User Follow
  • Built-in comment and comment author caching system


Integration Add-ons


  • wpDiscuz Comments Three Layouts | Screenshot #1
  • wpDiscuz Comments Form | Screenshot #2
  • wpDiscuz Comments View | Screenshot #3
  • wpDiscuz Comments on Mobile and Notebook | Screenshot #4
  • wpDiscuz Inline Comment Form | Screenshot #5
  • wpDiscuz Inline Comments | Screenshot #6
  • wpDiscuz Post Rating and Comment Rating | Screenshot #7
  • wpDiscuz Live Notification with Comment Bubble| Screenshot #8
  • wpDiscuz Social Login and Commenting| Screenshot #9
  • wpDiscuz Comment Statistic | Screenshot #10
  • wpDiscuz Settings | Screenshot #11
  • wpDiscuz Single Settings Page | Screenshot #12


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Comments – wpDiscuz Example block scaffolded with Create Block tool.



IMPORTANT: If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpDiscuz update.


  1. Upload plugin folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory,
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

After installing and activating the plugin, click on Comments menu item in the left sidebar in your website admin panel.

Update to wpDiscuz 7 versions

Please read the documentation:



  • If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpDiscuz update.
  • If wpDiscuz comment form is missing please read this support topic:
  • wpDiscuz comment form is missing

Comments – wpDiscuz Settings

Basic configuration suits for most of cases, but if you want to configure Comments – wpDiscuz deeper, click on » Settings sub menu item which is under wpDiscuz menu item and change the settings as you want.

Comments – wpDiscuz Phrases

Comments – wpDiscuz has phrases for frontend, for those who want customize texts and messages without using .po/.mo files, but still you can use .po/.mo translation files with combination of Comments – wpDiscuz phrases. You just need to enable “Use Plugin .PO/.MO files” setting in Comments – wpDiscuz » Settings page

Comments – wpDiscuz Documentation

Here you can find more detailed answers for your questions –

Support Forum

For deeper support please visit our Support Forum

Does this plugin fully replace the current comment system?

Yes! Comments – wpDiscuz changes default comment system to a new interactive system.

What will happen to old comments?

Nothing will be lost! Comments – wpDiscuz will show all old comments.

Where comments are stored?

Comments – wpDiscuz uses the default WordPress comment storage system, all comments are on your database and all comments are manageable in Dashboard > Comments admin page.

Will my comments be lost if I install this plugin, and then remove it?

Comments – wpDiscuz doesn’t affect any data. You can install and uninstall whenever you want without any worries.


August 9, 2024
I removed some security plugins that I do not need anymore and the plugin worked wonderfully. It had crashed my website before, but I discovered it may have entered in conflict with other plugin I had.Now that it is working beautifully, I am anxious to try it in the official website. I hope it will engage my readers even more with the content. This plugin is fantastic. I recommend!
June 8, 2024
El plugin tiene muchas funciones y muy útiles, fácilmente personalizables y con una interfaz muy clara. Faltaría traducir la interfaz al castellano en mi caso, veremos si es posible colaborar en la tarea.
May 27, 2024
This plugin upgraded our comment user experience beyond any expectation. Very powerful and convenient. Kudos to the developers. Edit: also had few issues for which we needed support from the team. Dev team is very responsive and supportive, so another reason to use this plugin.
Read all 562 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Comments – wpDiscuz” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Comments – wpDiscuz” has been translated into 12 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Comments – wpDiscuz” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Please don’t forget delete all caches and purge CDN after the update.

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.24 – 31.08.2024

  • Fixed: Hardcoded table prefix

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.23 – 24.08.2024

  • Fixed: Issue with “bulk delete comments” via link in the email

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.22 – 24.07.2024

  • Added: A new hook “wpdiscuz_generate_thumbnails_check” to disable thumbnails generation cron
  • Added: A new JS event on comment post “wpdiscuz_comment_posted”
  • Fixed: Filtering buttons now visible if there is at least one comment
  • Fixed: Security issue, if reach editor and quick tags are disabled clean all HTML from comment content

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.21 – 06.07.2024

  • Fixed: Regenerate comment attachments metadata via WP Cron

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.20 – 22.06.2024

  • Added: wpDiscuz custom ajax now supports media uploading
  • Added: New hooks (wpdiscuz_user_can_view_fields, wpdiscuz_user_can_view_field) to control custom fields visibility, check out “docs” for more info
  • Added: A new option that will allow to control uploaded images thumbnails generation via WP cron job or immediately, default: enabled

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.19 – 08.05.2024

  • Fixed: Issue with date difference logic
  • Fixed: Vulnerability in the shortcode [wpdiscuz-feedback]
  • Fixed: Deprecated function call “bp_core_get_user_domain”

Comments – wpDiscuz v7.6.18 – 24.04.2024

  • Fixed: Timout error on dashboard statistics page when comments count are too many