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Troubleshooting Payment Errors

Whether you’re trying to purchase a new plan, domain, or email hosting or renew an existing subscription, there are a few reasons why your payment may be declined. This guide will cover common reasons why your payment may fail and how you can fix them.

Check Your Card Details

Double-check the name, number, expiration date, and security code (CVV) of the debit or credit card you have attempted to pay with. You would be surprised how often this can result in a declined payment!

Check With Your Bank

There are a number of reasons why your bank or card issuer may decline the payment. Contact your bank or card issuer directly to ensure they are not blocking the payment attempt for any of the following reasons:


At checkout, you may receive an error such as the following:

Error authorizing credit card. Please Contact Support quoting error HYTFSI.

This usually means the payment is blocked or purchasing is disabled. Follow these steps to resolve the error:

  1. Verify with your bank or card issuer that the card you are trying to use is not blocked from making the purchase.
  2. If your bank or card issuer is not blocking the purchase, click the “Contact Us” link in the error message.
  3. Fill in the form to raise the issue with our billing department.
  4. Wait for our team to resolve the error before trying again.

Charged the Wrong Account

If an unexpected credit card or bank account was charged for your purchases or renewals, and you would like to pay with another payment method, please contact us for help. We can suggest the best way forward depending on your situation.

Duplicate Payment Detected

If you accidentally renewed your plan or domain twice (for two years) when you only intended to renew it once (for one year), we may send you an email to alert you of the possible duplicate charge. You can take the following steps to rectify the situation:

  1. Visit your Purchases page to check the new expiry date of your subscription.
  2. Depending on the new expiry date, you can:
    • Do nothing if you are happy to keep the subscription for the extra year.
    • Contact us to discuss your refund options for the unintentional charge.

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