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Manage My Profile

Your profile on is the public-facing information associated with your account. This guide will show you how to find and update this information.

Find Your Profile

There are two profile information areas:

  1. Your account profile details that apply to all sites owned by your account.
  2. Profile settings that you can control separately for each individual site in your account.

To access these profile settings, hover your mouse over your name or profile picture on the upper right corner of to reveal the following options:

    The admin bar shows the text "Howdy" followed by the user's name and profile picture.

    Update Your Account Profile

    The information in your account profile is publicly accessible by anyone on the internet, so you should only enter details that you are comfortable sharing with everyone (regardless of whether your site is private).

    Visit your profile at the following link: or by selecting “My Account” when hovering your mouse over your name or profile picture on the upper right corner of

    You can add or update the following optional fields in your profile:

    After updating any of these details, click the “Save profile details” button to save your changes.

    Profile Links are links to websites that appear on your profile.

    In the Profile Links section, click the “+ Add” button to add a new site to your profile. You can remove any sites by clicking the X next to it:

    Screenshot of the Profile Links area. One website is shown, with an X button next to it.

    How Your Profile Displays

    Your profile information is shown when you like and comment on websites and on any other site using Gravatar (such as the forums) unless you have opted to hide your profile in your profile settings.

    After leaving a comment, someone can hover the mouse cursor over your name to view a hovercard with your profile information:

    Screenshot of Matt's profile shown in a hovercard.

    Click on the “View profile” link to access the user’s complete profile.

    Site-Specific Profile

    In your site’s dashboard, visit Users Profile to access the following settings for the selected site:

    If you have installed plugins, you may find additional settings here provided by those plugins.

    Click the “Update Profile” button at the bottom of the screen to save changes to the site-specific profile settings.

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