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Check Your WordPress Version

On, we manage all of the server-side features for you, including the version of WordPress your site is running on. We make sure your site is automatically updated to the latest, most secure version of WordPress software so you don’t have to.

Check Your WordPress Version

If you have a plugin-enabled website, you can check what WordPress version your site is running with the following steps:

  1. Visit the Sites page at
  2. Select your plugin-enabled website.
  3. Underneath the site’s title and address, the WordPress version will be shown:
WordPress version number shown beneath site address.

You can compare your site’s WordPress version with the latest version of WordPress software available here. If is one version behind, it means we are actively testing the latest version to ensure it is safe to update.

If you have a site without plugins, the WordPress version is not needed for troubleshooting an issue — your site will always be running on the latest version of WordPress.

Switch to a Previous or Future Version

WordPress, like any other software, is constantly iterated on and improved to launch new features, fix bugs, and improve its functionality. We update your WordPress version automatically when a new version becomes available.

On, your site is considered a live website; therefore, it is not possible to revert to a previous version of WordPress. If you wish to test a future (beta) version of WordPress on, you can create a staging website and switch the version of WordPress used there.

Third-party plugin and theme developers have access to beta releases so that they can test their plugins and themes before the latest version of WordPress is pushed to your site. While that doesn’t mean every issue will be caught, it does give them an opportunity to prepare for the WordPress version that will be launched and how it will impact the plugins and themes on your site. If a plugin or theme developer ever suggests reverting to a previous version of WordPress to resolve an issue, please note that this is not recommended or possible here on

Troubleshooting Conflicts after a WordPress Update

If you notice sudden issues with your site after a WordPress update, we recommend updating your plugins.

Outdated plugins may not be compatible with the most recent WordPress version. We recommend that you enable auto-updates for your plugins so they will automatically update to the latest version.

To check for plugin updates:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins → Installed Plugins.
  3. Check your active plugins for any available updates.

To check if a plugin is compatible with the latest WordPress version:

  1. Make a note of the current WordPress version on your site.
  2. Visit your site’s dashboard and navigate to PluginsInstalled Plugins.
  3. Click “View Details” for the plugin you’re having trouble with.
  4. Check the “Compatible up to” version to see if it matches the latest WordPress Version.
The Plugin details page with a box drawn around the "Compatible up to:" section.

If you discover that a plugin you need for your website is not compatible with the latest version of WordPress, you can contact the plugin’s developer to enquire about their plan for releasing an update:

  1. Visit your site’s dashboard.
  2. Navigate to PluginsInstalled Plugins.
  3. Click “View Details” for the plugin you’re seeing errors with.
  4. In the Plugin Details section, click the “ Plugin page” or “Plugin Homepage”.
  5. Look for a link to help/support and reach out to them with the WordPress version number you require compatibility for.
The Plugin details page with a box drawn around the links to the plugin page and the Plugin Homepage.

We have a step-by-step guide that will walk you through identifying which plugin is causing a conflict on your site. You can check the step-by-step troubleshooting guide here.

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