
YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates позволяет вам создавать профили партнеров и выплачивать им вознаграждение за каждую покупку по партнерской ссылке.
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August 8, 2024
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YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

YITH WooCommerce Affiliate allows you to run a powerful affiliate campaign to drive traffic to your shop, get new customers and grow revenue.

With this plugin you can easily build partnerships with customers, bloggers, influencers, etc. and ask them to drive traffic to your shop through articles in their blog, posts in their social channels and so on. It’s a win-win relationship because you will get quality leads, traffic and sales and your affiliates will earn a commission on the generated sales.

Affiliate marketing is very popular and more than 80% of the online companies (like Amazon, Zalando, Shein, etc.) offer an affiliate program to its users.

With YITH WooCommerce Affiliate you can quickly launch an affiliate program in your shop: the free version has all you need to manage affiliates, commissions and check the stats (visits, commissions, conversion rates, etc.)

Features of the free version

  • Use the default form included for your affiliate registration process: you can enable/disable the fields Name, Surname, E-mail, Password and choose which of these fields are mandatory
  • Show the Terms and Conditions checkbox and make it mandatory
  • Show the affiliate registration form as part of the default WooCommerce registration form shown in the user’s My Account page
  • Use the affiliate registration form shortcode to create a custom registration page for your affiliates
  • Выберите отклонить или заблокировать партнера и покажите сообщение с объяснением причины
  • Добавьте партнера вручную выбрав существующего пользователя или создав нового
  • Get the referrer ID via query string during the user’s purchase
  • Enter a name to identify cookies that will store the referral token
  • Set an expiration time for referral cookies (in this way, if the visit and the purchase do not happen in the same session, commissions can still be credited correctly)
  • Execute an AJAX call to set up affiliate cookies whenever the system finds a referral query string in the URL
  • Enable the affiliate dashboard in a specific endpoint inside the My Account page
  • Create a custom affiliate dashboard page using the shortcode
  • In their dashboard, affiliates can easily monitor visits, commissions and the status of each payment received
  • Allow affiliates to share their referral link on social media
  • Set a default commission rate for all affiliates
  • Prevent affiliates from getting commissions from their own purchases
  • Exclude taxes and discounts from commissions
  • Associate old commissions to new users with same token
  • Pay commissions manually via direct bank/wire transfer
  • Automatically deduct the total of affiliate commissions in case of order refunds

Check the Live Demo of the free version >

Features of the premium version

The free version of our plugin works like a charm, but the premium one is even more interesting.

By upgrading to the premium version, you can:

  • Create a custom advanced form for your affiliate registration process: add unlimited fields to the form, such as Website or Blog URL, Links of their social channels, a small bio, etc. Ask anything you want and choose which fields are mandatory
  • Automatically approve all affiliates after their registration to avoid the manual enabling
  • Exclude specific products, categories or tags from affiliates commissions
  • Exclude specific users or user roles from the affiliate program
  • Register visits and visitors’ IPs
  • Assign coupons to affiliates: the affiliate can use the coupon to promote your site and each order that uses the coupon will generate a commission for him/her
  • Override the default commission rate and set a different rate for specific users, user roles or products
  • Pay commissions automatically when the affiliate reaches a threshold; on a specific day of the month (e.g. each 1st day of the month); on a specific day of the month, only if the threshold is achieved; or schedule a daily payment
  • Let affiliates ask for the payment of their commissions (and upload or generate invoices for their withdrawal requests)
  • Set a minimum and maximum amount for the withdrawal request
  • Партнеры могут получать уведомление по электронной почте при получении новой комиссии
  • Партнеры могут получать уведомление по электронной почте о выплате комиссии
  • Pay commissions through PayPal, PayPal Payout (with YITH PayPal Payouts for WooCommerce), Stripe (with YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce) or Account Funds (with YITH WooCommerce Account Funds)
  • Отправьте электронное письмо администратору, когда будет произведен платеж
  • Отслеживайте расширенные отчеты (посещения, комиссионные, доходы, популярные партнеры, популярные товары и т.д.) в новой интегрированной панели мониторинга
  • Подробный отчет о посещениях, полученных от рефереров, в сводной таблице с основной информацией и статусом их конверсии
  • Access to the affiliate’s detail page from the affiliates table to check the affiliate’s personal info, commissions, statistics, etc.
  • Св��зать заказ с конкретным партнером
  • Замените реферальный файл cookie при посещении другой реферальной ссылки
  • Сохранение истории файлов cookie
  • Выберите удаление партнерского файла cookie после оформления заказа пользователем
  • Установите интервал времени, по истечении которого посещение того же пользователя с тем же идентификатором реферера засчитывается как новое посещение
  • Автоматическое удаление журнала посещений через определенный промежуток времени
  • Экспорт комиссионных и аффилированных лиц в CSV-файл

Check the Live Demo of the premium version >

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