
WP Project Manager — Task, team, and project management plugin featuring kanban board and gantt charts

WP Project Manager simplifies tasks, projects & teamwork. Manage with Kanban, Gantt & integrations like GitHub, Bitbucket, Slack & BuddyPress
Последние изменения
March 29, 2024
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WP Project Manager — Task, team, and project management plugin featuring kanban board and gantt charts

Лучший инструмент управления проектами для WordPress

Being one of the most advanced project management and task management tools for WordPress, WP Project Manager has some exceptional features that turn your project management experience to the next level.

Super-charge your productivity by creating, organizing, and assigning tasks within a few clicks.

Its user-friendly interface and web-based task management feature enable the user to complete their to-dos quicker than ever.

Why wait, effortlessly manage projects, track time, and generate performance reports with this project management solution.

Want to give it a try? Then try its 👉 FREE OFFICIAL DEMO

🎯 Key Features of WP Project Manager FREE 🎯

🗓 To-do List

  • Add as many to-do lists as you want with titles and description

  • Добавлять задачи, назначать пользователей, назначать сроки выполнения

  • See the progress bar on the list

  • Add comments, descriptions, and titles on individual to-do lists and to-do’s

  • Пометить задание как выполеное/невыполеное

🎯 Milestone

  • 3 types of milestones are there, a) upcoming, b) completed, and c) late milestone

  • Assign messages and to-do lists on milestone

💬 Messages

  • Сообщения используются для обсуждения проекта среди его участников.

  • You can add attachments to messages

  • Edit and stylize messages

  • Comments can be made for discussion or collaboration

🗂 Files

  • File sharing feature for better understanding of workflow.

  • Загрузите все файлы в сообщениях и комментариях и перейдите к отдельным прикрепленным темам.

  • Загружайте и делитесь любым файлом в любое время в одном месте (Pro).

🔔 Dynamic Notification

  • Email notification to keep the users updated about their assigned, upcoming, or outdated tasks.

  • Контролируйте из настроек, кто и каие уведомления будет получать (Pro).

🔄 Pusher Integration

  • Получайте уведомления в режиме реального времени о ваших действиях по управлению проектами с помощью push-уведомлений.

  • You will receive notifications for assigning team members, mentioning in comments, creating tasks, and updating task status.

👉 Узнайте больше обо всех функциях и возможностях из нашей документации.

💎💥🏆 === Powerful Pro Features of WP Project Manager ===🏆💥💎

👉 Managing projects from the frontend (Pro)

  • Разрешите вашим пользователям просматривать ваши проекты с фронтенда

  • WP Project Manager lets you manage projects without going to the backend interface.

👉 Kanban Board for WordPress (Pro)

  • Create unlimited custom Kanban boards according to your need for better workflow visualization and project management.

  • Drag and drop tasks from one board to another anytime.

  • Create new tasks right from any board whenever you want with the WP Project Manager

👉 Gantt Chart for WordPress (Pro)

  • Observe the duration of the tasks through horizontal bar graphs with the WP Project Manager

  • Change the beginning and finishing dates of the tasks or projects.

  • Assess dependencies among different tasks and subtasks with Gantt charts.

👉 Time Tracker (Pro)

  • Timer with start, stop, or pause feature for every task.

  • Расчет и отслеживание времени, затраченного на задачу.

  • Легкая оплата за почасовую работу.

👉 Invoice for Charging Clients (Pro)

  • Invoices will be automatically formatted based on your input in WP Project Manager.

  • Upon payment completion, the amount will be added to your account and the invoice will be automatically marked as paid.

  • Invoices can be downloaded as pdf on WP Project Manager pro

👉 Interactive calendar (Pro)

  • Check tasks progress with the WP Project Manager.

  • Dynamic and interactive drag-and-drop functionality to assign tasks.

  • Daily, weekly, monthly, and user-specific views in the calendar.

👉 Stripe Gateway (Pro)

  • WP Project Manager lets your clients pay using Stripe gateway.

  • Automate the billing process with predefined project templates of the WP Project Manager.

👉 BuddyPress for WordPress (Pro)

  • Create different tasks for different teams using WP Project Manager.

  • Set administrative staff with access to all departments

  • Установите разные разрешения для разных ролей сотрудников.

  • Manage everything using WP Project Manage.

👉 SubTask for a more simple task management system (Pro)

  • Break your long tasks into as many portions.

  • Assign several team members for several tasks.

👉 WooCommerce Integration (Pro)

  • Вы можете создать проект автоматически после оформления заказа или оплаты.

  • Контролируйте, какой товар будет создавать, какой тип проекта и задачи.

  • Добавляйте и управляйте ролями пользователей, такими как коллеги, менеджеры и клиенты, в проектах и задачах.

👉 Advanced Files Management (Pro)

  • Upload all files in one place.

  • Create folders for different files using WP Project Manager.

  • Link messages & task lists with files.

  • Make files private.

👉 Slack Integration (Pro)

  • Интегрируйте свой WP Project Manager Pro с лучшим средством коммуникации рабочего пространства — Slack

  • Get instant notifications on your Slack channels when a new task, subtask, or comment is created or an existing one is modified. And also when a task is completed or a new co-worker is added.

👉 GitHub and Bitbucket Integration (Pro)

  • Connect your GitHub and Bitbucket accounts with the WP Project Manager easily.

  • When issues are created on your GitHub and Bitbucket accounts, they will be added to your task list. So, your developer team can take action in time.

👉 Advanced Reports with Insights (Pro)

  • Чтобы сделать управление проектами эффективным, вам необходимо иметь отчеты по задачам и действиям пользователей. Это поможет вам принимать правильные решения для ваших проектов и команды.

  • You will get several predefined report cases depending on the user activities with the WP Project Manager. The reports are self-explanatory. You will get,

    1. Overdue Tasks
    2. Completed Task
    3. User Activities
    4. Task by Milestone
    5. Unassigned Tasks
    6. Summary




The interface is interactive, and user-friendly, and improves overall efficiency by helping you complete projects in the least amount of time possible.


Increase collaboration efficiency with a WordPress team collaboration tool that supports file sharing, remote teamwork, and simultaneous work on the same task.


Ensure privacy and permission among tasks and projects with user role customization and team permission features (Pro), making it easy to manage who can see or manage each project.


Users can stay updated on tasks in an organized way through a personal dashboard. Access is limited to authorized projects and tasks.

So still wondering why WP Project Manager should be your first choice in task management plugins?

👉 Check out this complete comparison of WP Project Manager with other popular project management solutions. 👉 Learn more about all the functions and features from our documentation.


  1. Top 20 WordPress Plugins for Freelancers to Improve Their Workflow

  2. 9 Best WordPress Project Management Plugins

  3. 8 лучших плагинов для управления проектами для WordPress


If you think you can help develop this plugin even better then you are always more than welcome to contribute to this project. Please fork the repository from GitHub.


  • French translation by Corentin Allard

  • Голландский перевод — eskamedia

  • Бразильский португальский перевод — Anderson

  • Немецкий перевод — Alexander Pfabel

  • Испанский перевод — Luigi Libet

  • Indonesian translation by Hirizh

  • Польский перевод — Jacek Synowiec

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