Получите следующее поколение структурированных данных схемы, чтобы улучшить представление вашего сайта WordPress в результатах поиска Google.
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November 21, 2023
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Super fast, light-weight plugin for adding schema.org structured data markup in recommended JSON-LD format automatically to WordPress sites.

Enhanced Presentation in Search Results By including structured data appropriate to your content, your site can enhance its search results and presentation.

Check out the Plugin Homepage for more info and documentation.

What is Schema markup?

Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. So, Schema is not just for SEO reasons, it’s also for the benefit of the searcher.

Schema.org Structured Data Demo & Examples

Schema Key Features

  • Easy to use, set it and forget it, with minimal settings.
  • [Premium] Support for different schema.org types.
  • Enable Schema types at once per post type or post category.
  • [Premium] Enable Schema types anywhere you want on your site content.
  • [Premium] Customize source data of schema.org properties.
  • Правильная разметка, проверьте ее в инструменте тестирования структурированных данных Google.
  • Output JSON-LD format, the most recommended by Google.
  • Reuse data saved in post meta, which is created by other plugins.
  • Extensible, means you can extend its functionality via other plugins, extensions or within your Theme’s functions.php file.

Note: some features are Premium. Which means you need Schema Premium to have those features. Get Schema Premium here!

Free vs Premium

See: a Free vs Premium comparison.

Free Plugin Extensions

  • Проверка Схемы. Расширьте функциональность схемы, добавив функции проверки и оценки структурированных данных для Редакторов и Авторов.
  • Изображение схемы по умолчанию: добавлена ​​возможность устанавливать рекомендуемое изображение WordPress по умолчанию для разметки schema.org.

Premium Plugin Extensions

Supported Google/Schema Markups

Supported Schema.org Types

Premium Supported Schema.org Types

Schema Premium has additional support for schema.org types, including:

Schema.org Markup Examples

View our Live Structured Data Demo examples.

Supported Plugins

Schema plugin integrates and/or play nicely with (not necessarily a full integration):

  • Yoast SEO
  • AMP plugin (Automattic’s Accelerated Mobile Pages)
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages — AMP for WP
  • WPRichSnippets
  • The SEO Framework
  • WPBakery Page Builder
  • ThirstyAffiliates
  • [Premium] WooCommerce: Schema for WooCommerce extension.
  • Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

Supported Themes

The plugin should work fine with any well coded WordPress theme, however these themes were tested and works properly with the plugin.

  • Genesis 2.x
  • Thesis 2.x
  • Divi

Premium support

schema.press team does not always provide active support for the Schema plugin on the WordPress.org forums, as we prioritize our email support. One-on-one email support is available to people who bought Schema Premium only.

Note that the premium Schema Plugin also has several extra features too, including the option to enable more schema.org types, set content location target for markup, and map schema.org properties, so it is well worth your investment!


Feel free to fork the project on GitHub and submit your contributions via pull request.

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