
Map Block for Google Maps

Map block for Gutenberg editor powered by Google Maps. Simple. Fast. Just a map block.
Last updated
August 13, 2024
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Map Block for Google Maps

Are you using Gutenberg and need a map? This is the map block for you! Install, active, add to content. Done! No nonsense, no unneeded settings. Simple and clear in its function – as any Gutenberg block should be.

Gutenberg is now a core feature so please update to WordPress v5, or install the Gutenberg plugin.

Plugin Features

Works as any other Gutenberg block with the following settings: * address, or coordinates * zoom * map height * API key – once saved in one block it’s used in all others

Need a non-Gutenberg map solution? Check out our free Google Maps Widget plugin.

For instruction on how to generate a Google Maps API key please read this article.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.