
Contests & Giveaways – WordPress Contest Plugin

Contest Cat Lets You Create Incredible Contests, Giveaways & Sweepstakes With Ease.
Last updated
July 19, 2018
Active installations
Contests & Giveaways – WordPress Contest Plugin

This Giveaway & Contest WordPress Plugin – Contest Cat is a simple, lean & beautiful giveaway tool for WordPress.

Easily create engaging giveaways and contests in a matter of minutes.


  • Beautiful design – contests & giveaways look great out of the box
  • People can enter your contests & giveaways by entering their email.
  • Randomly select contest & giveaway winners.
  • Remember contestants using cookies. (People who have already entered your contest or giveaway, will be shown a “thanks for entering” page, instead of being asked to enter again.)
  • Schedule contest / giveaway end date.
  • Customzie contest / givaway terms of service.
  • Add an image to your contest / giveaway landing page.
  • Use WordPress’ built-in rich text editor (tinymce) to describe your contest.
  • Contest Cat automatically detects & merges duplicate contest entries.
  • This WordPress Contest & Giveaway Plugin tracks your contestant’s IP address so you can detect fraud.

How to set up this WordPress Contest & Giveaway Plugin?

After installing this plugin, simply go to Contest Cat -> Add New

Give your contest / giveaway a title, a description, an image (optional).

Next, set your contest end time, choose if you want to collect names (toggle name on/off), and enter your giveaway’s terms.

That’s it. In order to publish your contest, simply paste your shortcode (eg. [contest-cat id="733"]) into any blog post or page.

Is Contests & Giveaways by Contest Cat easy to translate?

Yes. Contests & Giveaways by Contest Cat is fully translateable. Please let us know if you’re interested in contributing.

Contest Cat Feature Roadmap

This is just the first version of our WordPress Contest plugin – we have tons of new features & improvements lined up. Do you have any suggestions? Please leave a comment in the support forums.

The Fatcat Apps Team

Privacy Disclosure

This plugin stores personal data (eg. names & emails collected using this plugin) in the WordPress database.

Our full privacy policy is available here:

Freeon Business plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.