Flex your site’s features with plugins

Add new functionality and integrations to your site with thousands of plugins.

19 plugins
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    by Max Foundry
    WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
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    Automatically Paginate Posts
    by Erick Hitter & Oomph, Inc.
    Automatically paginate posts by inserting the `` Quicktag.
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    TW Pagination
    by Igor Vučković
    TW Pagination is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
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    Pagination by HocWP Team
    by HocWP Team
    Pagination by HocWP Team is a pagination plugin that allows to set up navigation on WordPress site.
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    WordPress Pagination Plugin: Page-Links Plus
    by Studio Hyperset, Inc.
    WordPress pagination plugin. Paginate content easily and efficiently.
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    Back and Forward Button
    by Tawhidur Rahman Dear
    Add ◄ and ► button anywhere in website matching theme color and style
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    Date Pagination
    by keesiemijer
    Paginate your posts by year, month or day.
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    by Pankaj Jha
    Provides users with better and simple navigation interface.
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    U More Recent Posts
    by Taehan Lee
    This plugin make it possible to navigate more recent posts without refreshing screen.
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    Paged Comments
    by Keyvan Minoukadeh
    Paged Comments enables comment paging. Useful for those popular blog entries receiving many comments, or a simple guestbook page within WordPress.
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    Widget Pagination
    by Jana Sieber
    This plugin lets you add a stylable pagination for the widgets: Archives, Categories, Links, Meta, Pages, Individual Pages, Recent Posts and Recent Co …
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    by Ivan Jakesevic
    Display your list with pagination by a simple function call.
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    ByREV Gallery Pagination for Wordpress
    by ByREV ( Robert Emilian Vicol )
    This plugin offers the possibility of displaying a photo gallery on multiple pages / pagination gallery + Ajax, CDN, Caching, SEO
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    Module Pager
    by yama-dev
    Management tools for any custom pagination.
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    Pagination Test Drive
    by Yuya Hoshino
    You can test the pagination without having to post an article even once.
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    BH Pagination
    by Masum Billah
    This is simple pagination pugin for wordpress template.
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    by st3ph
    easyCommentsPaginate is a plugin to easily create nice animated pagination for your comments
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    Ms Post Type Shortcode
    by Munish Sharma
    Ms Post Type Shortcode is a very lightweight plugin that helps to display posts in a grid, slider, or with pagination.
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    Hungry For Posts
    by Edir Pedro
    A simple Ajax pagination with only one button forward. Click to get more posts without reload the page, click again to get more, again and again, unti …