A general purpose loan calculator includes an amortization schedule showing payment dates and a set of charts. Supports international conventions.
Laatst bijgewerkt
September 18, 2024
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AC's Loan Calculator

AC’s Loan Calculator Plugin is a general purpose loan calculator that solves for a monthly loan payment and creates a detailed amortization schedule with date based payments. Additionally, your visitors can view a set of charts so they can visualize the cost of a loan. Your visitors can also select their own currency and date convention used in the loan schedule. This is ideal if your site attracts visitors from around the globe. Select from one of four predefined sizes or modify the CSS file to customize both the size and colors. Supports touch functionality and is designed for responsive websites. The plugin is based on and uses the code from my very popular Loan Calculator.

Rebranding with your site’s brand name is supported and encouraged.

The plugin may be used (a) in a post or page’s content area via a shortcode; or (b) used in a widget area; or (c) called from any template file. See usage under installation for details.

NEW: Sites are encouraged to install the free, enhanced AC Loan Calculator Plus v2.0 with a printable amortization schedule and dozens of additional configuration and styling options.

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Door te installeren, ga je akkoord met de Servicevoorwaarden van WordPress.com en de voorwaarden voor plugins van derden.
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