
USPS Shipping Method

Get shipping rates from the USPS API which handles both domestic and international parcels.
최근 업데이트일
July 17, 2024

Get real-time rates from the largest shipping network in the US

Show your customers accurate shipping rates automatically with our integration for USPS,  the largest delivery network in United States. Your store must use US Dollars for its currency and the United States, US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico as the base country. It works with inches (in) and pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically. USPS calculates quotes worldwide. Domestic International
  • First Class
  • Flat Rate
  • Priority Mail
  • Priority Mail Express
  • Standard Post
  • Media Mail
  • Library Mail
  • First Class Mail® International Letters and Envelopes
  • Global Express Guaranteed (GXG)
  • Priority Mail International
  • Priority Mail International Flat Rate
  • International Postcards
We recommend using this extension in combination with our free service WooCommerce Shipping, which creates discounted shipping labels right from your WooCommerce dashboard.

Other features:

  • Enable/disable, edit the names of, and add costs to services
  • Pack items individually or using the built in box packer
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수천 가지 플러그인 프리미엄 플러그인부터 커뮤니티에서 작성된 수천 개 이상 플러그인까지 온갖 플러그인을 준비해두었습니다.

유연한 요금

연 단위로 결제하고 할인받으세요. 아니면 프리미엄 플러그인 월간 요금제를 이용하여 유연하게 결제할 수도 있습니다. 여러분의 상황에 맞게 선택하세요.