
Cloud Templates & Patterns collection

A cloud based service with 100+ templates and starter sites for Neve theme.
최근 업데이트일
July 18, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Cloud Templates & Patterns collection

A cloud based templates library which enables you to create or use existing ready-made website with 1-click.

More than 100 Starter Sites and Templates available for the most popular page builders

Browse a wide selection of templates and starter sites that are designed to help you build beautiful websites with Elementor and Gutenberg. All templates can be previewed on and you can seamlessly import them to any of your sites. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our templates can help you save time and create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. In addition to our Elementor and Gutenberg templates, we also offer a handful of page templates for Beaver Builder. These templates are perfect for creating basic pages such as contact pages, about pages, and blog pages. If you’re a Beaver Builder user, be sure to check out our selection of page templates.

Your own private Templates Cloud [PRO]

Boost productivity and speed up your workflow by saving all your designs and share them automatically to all your sites in 1-click. Check more details about this in our documentation guide.

The plugin is relying on the service behind for accessing the template collection list and their individual structure on import.

No account is required to access the service template collection and the privacy policy can be found here.

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