Sensei Pro is a premium plugin for WordPress that enables users to create, manage, and sell online courses. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for creating engaging course content, tracking student progress, and assessing their performance. With its intuitive interface, customizable options, and comprehensive features, Sensei Pro is an ideal choice for creators and educators looking to grow their online knowledge business.
최근 업데이트일
September 19, 2024
The Sensei LMS plugin is created by Automattic, the same company behind WooCommerce and In fact, Sensei was one of the first extensions ever created for WooCommerce and is used at Automattic to power training for our 2,000+ employees. With Sensei Pro (formerly called WooCommerce Paid Courses), you get:
  • WooCommerce integration to sell courses as a product
  • Works with WooCommerce Subscriptions, Memberships, and Affiliates
  • An immersive and distraction-free course experience
  • Video course templates
  • Drip and schedule lesson content to students
  • Flashcard, image hotspot, and checklist blocks
  • Group & Cohorts management
  • Course and lesson prerequisites
  • Quiz questions with auto-grading, quiz timers, and feedback
  • Student management and detailed reports
Want to try before you buy? You can get the free Sensei LMS plugin here.
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완전 관리형

프리미엄 플러그인 관리는 온전히 WordPress.com의 몫입니다. 보안 패치나 업데이트 요청을 받는 일 없이 편하게 사용하세요.

수천 가지 플러그인 프리미엄 플러그인부터 커뮤니티에서 작성된 수천 개 이상 플러그인까지 온갖 플러그인을 준비해두었습니다.

유연한 요금

연 단위로 결제하고 할인받으세요. 아니면 프리미엄 플러그인 월간 요금제를 이용하여 유연하게 결제할 수도 있습니다. 여러분의 상황에 맞게 선택하세요.