
Raptive Affiliate

The Raptive Affiliate Plugin is the easiest and most popular way to participate in Raptive’s Affiliate Platform.* The plugin adds a JavaScript tag to …
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May 9, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

The Raptive Affiliate Plugin is the easiest and most popular way to participate in Raptive’s Affiliate Platform.* The plugin adds a JavaScript tag to your site and lets you set up a few preferences within WordPress.

Enable Link Monetizer to automatically turn product links for participating retailers into affiliate links Enable Shoppable Recipes to automatically turn selected ingredients in your recipe card into affiliate links**

*Must be a Raptive customer to participate.

**Shoppable Recipes currently requires the WPRM Premium plugin.

Raptive is a strategic partner equipping independent creators and enterprise publishers with unmatched ad management, world-class technology, and inspired opportunities to make you more money.

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