
Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce

Set extra fees or discounts for WooCommerce payment gateways and custom payment gateways. Additional fees can be set globally or per product basis.
최근 업데이트일
September 13, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce

🚀  New Launch: Flexi BOGO for WooCommerce

The only BOGO plugin with a revenue tracking feature. Now, at an attractive introductory price. Check out our new plugin here.

Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce plugin extends WooCommerce by adding options to set fees or discounts based on customer selected payment gateway.

Payment gateway based fees and discounts can be added to all payment gateways including:

  • standard WooCommerce payment gateways (Direct Bank Transfer (BACS), Cheque Payment, Cash on Delivery and PayPal),
  • custom payment gateways added with any other plugin.

Fees and discounts can be set:

  • globally for all products, or
  • on per product basis.

Check out the PRO version of Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce plugin.

Plugin requires minimum setup: after enabling the fee/discount for selected gateway (in WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts), you can set:

  • fee/discount value,
  • fee/discount type: fixed or percent,
  • additional fee/discount,
  • minimum and maximum fee/discount values,
  • minimum and/or maximum cart amount for adding the fee/discount,
  • rounding options,
  • taxation options,
  • shipping options,
  • product categories,
  • customer countries and more.

Some of our Pro plugins

  1. Flexi BOGO for WooCommerce

  2. Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce – Pro

  3. Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce

  4. Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

  5. Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  6. Product Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  7. Deposits For WooCommerce

  8. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce – Pro

  9. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce – Pro

  10. Product Input Fields for WooCommerce – Pro

  11. Call for Price for WooCommerce – Pro

  12. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce – Pro

  13. Currency per Product for WooCommerce – Pro

Some of our other free plugins

  1. Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce

  2. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  3. Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  4. WooCommerce Print Invoice & Delivery Note

  5. Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

  6. Custom Order Numbers for WooCommerce

  7. Product Input Fields for WooCommerce

  8. Call for Price for WooCommerce

  9. Price based on User Role for WooCommerce

  10. Currency per Product for WooCommerce


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!
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