플러그인으로 사이트 기능을 향상시키세요

수천 개의 플러그인으로 사이트에 새로운 기능과 연계 서비스를 추가하세요.

207개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Ultimate Member - 사용자 프로필, 회원가입, 로그인, 회원 디렉토리, 콘텐츠 제한 및 멤버십 플러그인
    게시자: Ultimate Member
    사용자 프로필, 등록 및 로그인, 회원 디렉토리, 콘텐츠 제한, 사용자 역할 등이 포함된 멤버십 및 커뮤니티 플러그인입니다.
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    게시자: The bbPress Contributors
    비비프레스는 워드프레스를 위한 포럼 소프트웨어입니다.
  • plugin-icon
    게시자: The BuddyPress Community
    워드프레스에서 나만의 방식으로 안전하게 모이세요.
  • plugin-icon
    Paid Memberships Pro - Content Restriction, User Registration, & Paid Subscriptions
    게시자: Paid Memberships Pro
    Build a membership site that grows with you: user registration, member profiles, 28 protected content types, free or paid subscriptions.
  • plugin-icon
    Ultimate Member - reCAPTCHA
    게시자: Ultimate Member
    Google reCAPTCHA를 사용한 등록 & 로그인 양식에 봇 중단하기
  • plugin-icon
    wpForo 포럼
    게시자: gVectors Team
    최고의 워드프레스 포럼 플러그인. 현대적이고 반응이 빠른 포럼 디자인을 갖춘 본격적인 포럼 솔��션입니다. 커뮤니티 빌더 워드프레스 포럼 플러그인.
  • plugin-icon
    Disable Comments
    게시자: WpSimpleTools
    Completely disables comments functionality from backend and frontend. Just install it, nothing to configure!
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    Asgaros 포럼
    게시자: Thomas Belser
    Asgaros는 최고의 워드프레스 포럼 플러그인입니다! 아름다운 디자인에 다양한 기능이 있고 단순하고 빠른 상태를 유지합니다.
  • plugin-icon
    WP User Manager - User Profile Builder & Membership
    게시자: WP User Manager
    The most customizable profiles & community builder WordPress plugin with front-end login, registration, profile customization and content restriction.
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    No Page Comment
    게시자: Seth Alling
    An admin interface to control the default comment and trackback settings on new posts, pages and custom post types.
  • plugin-icon
    Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress
    게시자: KaineLabs
    The best BuddyPress plugin for building online communities, user profile, social networks, and membership sites on WordPress with tons of features.
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    ProfileGrid – User Profiles, Groups and Communities
    게시자: ProfileGrid User Profiles
    Custom user profiles plugin ❤ with paid memberships, groups, communities, content restriction, user registration, messaging, WooCommerce memberships, …
  • plugin-icon
    bbp style pack
    게시자: Robin Wilson
    For bbPress - Lets you style bbPress, and add display features
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    Ultimate Member - Terms & Conditions
    게시자: Ultimate Member
    등록 양식에 이용약관 확인란을 추가하고 사용자가 사이트에 등록하기 전에 이용약관에 동의하도록 하세요.
  • plugin-icon
    Ultimate Member - Online Users
    게시자: Ultimate Member
    이 얼티밋 멤버 확장을 사용하면 쇼트코드로 온라인 사용자를 어디에나 표시할 수 있습니다.
  • plugin-icon
    Verified Member for BuddyPress
    게시자: Themosaurus
    Verify your BuddyPress members and display a twitter-like verified badge on the front-end.
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    BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Private Community with PMPro - Restrict Profiles, Groups, Messaging, Forum Discussions
    게시자: Paid Memberships Pro
    Restrict access to communities in BuddyPress & BuddyBoss for free or premium members with the top WordPress membership plugin Paid Memberships Pro
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    SpeakOut! Email Petitions
    게시자: Steve D
    SpeakOut! Email Petitions makes it easy to add petitions to your website and rally your community to Speak Out about a cause by using direct action.
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    AnsPress - Question and answer
    게시자: Rahul Aryan
    A free question and answer plugin for WordPress. Made with developers in mind, and highly customizable.
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    Community by PeepSo - Social Network, Membership, Registration, User Profiles, Premium - Mobile App
    게시자: PeepSo
    Your own beautiful community. With user profiles, activity stream, notifications, members, blog posts with comments and more.