
FedEx Shipping Method

Get shipping rates from the FedEx API which handles both domestic and international parcels.
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September 18, 2024

FedEx Shipping Method

With the FedEx Shipping Method, your shoppers at checkout will see and be charged for shipping based on your FedEx rates. The rates are determined via the FedEx API. This extension requires that your store uses US or Canadian Dollars for its currency, US or Canada as the base country. To use the Legacy SOAP API,  your server must have SOAP installed. It primarily works with ins and lbs, but other units can be converted automatically. FedEx can calculate quotes worldwide, as it handles both domestic and international parcels: Domestic International
  • First Overnight
  • Priority Overnight
  • Standard Overnight
  • FedEx 2 day am
  • FedEx 2 day
  • FedEx Express Saver or FedEx Economy
  • Ground Home Delivery
  • FedEx Ground
  • FedEx Tube
  • FedEx First Freight
  • FedEx Freight Economy
  • FedEx Freight Priority
  • FedEx One Rate
  • Smart Post (if enabled on account)
  • International Economy
  • International First
  • International Priority
  • Europe First International Priority
  • FedEx 1 day freight
  • FedEx 2 day freight
  • FedEx 3 day freight
  • International Economy Freight
  • International Priority Freight
  • Fedex Freight
  • Fedex National Freight
  • International Ground
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