
WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub)

A better way to tell the world when your blog is updated.
Terakhir diperbarui
September 14, 2024
Instalasi aktif
WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub)

This plugin is a simple way to let people know in real-time when your blog is updated. PubSubHubbub/WebSub is widely adopted and is used by Google Alerts and many other services. Subscription requests are relayed through hubs, which validate and verify the request. Hubs then distribute new and updated content to subscribers when it becomes available.

This plugin:

  • Sends realtime notifications when you update your blog
  • Supports multi-user installations (WordPress MU)
  • Supports multiple hubs
  • Supports all of the feed formats used by WordPress, not just ATOM and RSS2
  • Supports latest specs
  • Announces which hubs you are using by adding <link rel="hub" ...> declarations to your template header and Atom feed

By default this plugin will ping the following hubs:

Please contact me if you operate a hub that you would like to be included as a default option.

Gratisdi paket Business
Instalasi aktif
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.