
UK Address Postcode Validation

Ideal Postcodes UK address search and validation extension for WooCommerce
עודכן לאחרונה
June 25, 2024
התקנות פעילות

This extension provides realtime address autocompletion lookup on your address forms, including billing and shipping. Ideal Postcodes address tools validates and accelerates customer entered address information to reduce cart abandonment and ensure correct delivery address capture.

Ideal Postcodes provides address autocomplete for your WooCommerce address forms. We specialize in the UK addressing data, drawing the most up-to-date & accurate UK dataset from Royal Mail on a daily basis. We have over 1,000 clients that use our address validation tools to speed up checkout, increase deliverability, and ensure data quality.

This extension adds address validation including realtime address autocompletion on your address forms. Our tools appear on your checkout and user account pages (for billing and shipping addresses). Our address validation tools speed up the checkout process and ensure that correct addresses are collected, thereby reducing cart abandonment and ensuring deliverability.

This extension is free to download and install. However, our address validation services requires a paid account at

Contact us if you get stuck. Drop by our chat page for immediate assistance or send us a message on one of our support channels.


  • Speed up the Checkout Process. Reduce the time it takes to accurately insert an address on your checkout
  • Increase Deliverability. Reduce failed deliveries by making address entry easier and less error prone
  • Ensure Data Quality. Access the most up-to-date and accurate address dataset in the UK with Royal Mail's PAF® dataset


  • Address autocompletion on checkout shipping and billing pages
  • Address autocompletion on accounts pages
  • Post towns now capitalised by default (instead of all caps)
  • Checks if key is usable before enabling autocomplete
  • Optionally populate organisation name from selected address
  • Optionally populate county information
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