Text is showing white

  • I have the business with woocommerce, using blocksy guarderobe to make an ecommerce site. But I’m new to all this. I had my forms text show white, so I made the background gray to be able to see it. But now viewing my site in each product screen the text is white but looks perfect in customizer, gray like I set it in the colors. Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I believe the issue is with the theme performance options and their compatibility with the rest of your plugins. Try changing the theme to load dynamic CSS “inline” instead of “file. To change this, go to https://livefreeapparels.com/wp-admin and from the dashboard options, click on Appearance> Customize > Performance here, change the “Dynamic CSS Output” to “Inline”.

    Let us know how it goes!

  • Thank you so much! I was using a beta elementor instead of the basic, as soon as I went back to the basic elementor it all went back to normal! But thank you for that suggestion I will keep that in mind!!

  • If the text is showing white:

    1. Word Processors: Highlight the text and change its color to black.
    2. Web/CSS: Ensure color: black; in your CSS.
    3. Dark Mode: Check display settings and adjust the theme.

    This should fix visibility issues!

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