changing website BEFORE transferring?

  • Our website and domain is on another platform. We are planning to transfer to our WordPress account we have only been using for our blog for a decade. Other platform has Website Builder and WordPress. Current website is through Website Builder. Would it make transfer easier or more difficult if BEFORE we transfer from other platform, we rebuild a website framework in WordPress or would it be just as easy to not rebuild it as just transfer from Website Builder directly? Thanks for any input. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! When you say your current website is “through Website Builder” can you be more specific or maybe share a link to your current site?

    For example, if your current site is using WordPress and you are using a “website builder” plugin (aka page builder plugin) on your site, you can certainly transfer it as-is and then make any modifications needed once you have your site hosted with (and we can offer recommendations and guidance along the way). We are also offering free migration services as well for these kinds of sites:

    However, if your site is not using WordPress and is instead using a third-party proprietary platform (i.e. like Squarespace, Wix, etc) then it would likely be best to rebuild it on WordPress and transfer/copy what content you can during the process, or use one of our migration tools listed here if they apply:

    Looking forward to hearing back!

  • Thank you for the reply. We are currently on Fatcow. Their platform has a choice called Web Builder (super basic drag/drop sort of templates) and a choice of WordPress. We started with the Web Builder a couple years ago.

    Now that we are going to leave FatCow, I’m planning ahead to make the transistion as smooth as possible. We are a very small non-profit and I wear many hats. I know enough IT to be dangerous.

    Just wondering if the migration would be made more simple if before we leave FatCow, we change our current website within their platform from Web Builder choice to their WordPress choice. I would then rebuild a simple framework within the WordPress choice they offer before migrating to the Real WordPress here and flesh everything out.

    Am I overthinking? Should I just trust the migration process and go from what we have?

  • Thanks for the additional information.

    I would say that migrating your site from their Web Builder tool to a site that runs on WordPress wouldn’t be any more simple on FatCow’s service than it would be to do directly here on It might be more complicated since you are adding a step (i.e. you would still have to migrate your site here).

    For example, you could create a new site here on now, and gradually build out your new site while leaving the existing one untouched, moving any content and images as needed, and then, when you are ready, you can switch your domain to point to your new site here and retire the old site (you can also transfer your domain registration here to manage everything in one place).

    Also, since you mentioned wanting to make things as smooth as possible, we could also do much of this for you and have a new site ready for you in just a few days with our Express Website Design service:

    Let us know what you think and what other questions we can help with!

Reply to changing website BEFORE transferring?