
Add Post Type Instructions

Allows admins to easily set instructional context for metaboxes and more on pages, posts or custom post types.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
April 24, 2015
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Add Post Type Instructions

Add Post Type Instructions allows admins to easily set instructional context for metaboxes and more on pages, posts or custom post types. Currently it supports adding instructional context in the following areas on the add/edit screen:

  • above the title field
  • above the WYSIWYG editor
  • default content within the WYSIWYG editor

and within the following metaboxes:

  • publish
  • author
  • featured image
  • excerpt
  • trackbacks
  • custom fields
  • page attributes
  • categories
  • tags
  • post format
  • discussion
  • comments
  • revisions
  • slug

APTI uses OOP standards to add options only for those metaboxes which are supported for each post type and to execute code only on those pages where it is needed. It works especially well for sites with many custom post types that require content to be entered in a specific way (ie. when a post type requires a specific page template or when the absence of a featured image will break the intended look of a post). Think of any theme or plugin that supports an image slider powered by a required featured image, and you can surely see where APTI can come in handy.

To be clear, APTI does absolutely nothing to the front-end of your site. It simply adds instructional context to the add/edit page/post admin screen so your clients and site editors might better understand how content is to be added.

APTI works with multisite networks and allows users to define settings on a per-site basis.

Coming soon

  • Translations – to submit a translation, please contact the author

APTI will work with drag-n-drop builders such as Visual Composer, but the author cannot recommend its use with them. This will be addressed in a future release.

Suggestions are welcome

  • email the author at

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