Hot Off the Press: New Themes for August 2022

The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Below you’ll find the six newest themes that we’ve added to our library, giving you beautiful options for a product showcase, photography portfolio, travel blog, or whatever else you can dream up.

To install any of the below themes, click the the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then simply click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your dashboard. Or, just click here:


Pendant is an elegant product-focused theme. The default styles feature serif headings and a dark background, contributing to a sophisticated style. It features a set of sleek block patterns such as a hero section with a large image, a styled grid to display information about your team, and multi-column layouts to display products.


Heiwa is a clean and elegant theme. Its sophisticated typography and clean look make it a perfect match for a business producing visual products.


Vivre is a bold, opinionated blogging theme, heavily inspired by fashion and lifestyle magazines and websites. With large heavy sans-serif paired with a light elegant serif font, it sets the tone to a refined, content-focused reading experience.


Antonia is a theme for selling products with the help of payments blockWith its clean, modern, and elegant layout, Antonia is a brilliant choice to showcase your products and sell them.


Appleton is a portfolio theme with a clean layout, designed to help you showcase your images with minimal distractions. Whether you’re an amateur or a professional photographer looking for a canvas on which to display your work, Appleton is an excellent choice.


Meraki is a light and elegant travel blog theme designed to document your adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or an aspiring explorer, Meraki will make a perfect destination for sharing your stories and photography.

Stay tuned for more updates about new themes, patterns, blocks, and other exciting product updates! And be sure to click below to take a look at the entire showcase of themes we offer:

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  1. Naija Marketplace

    I am loving the interface of these themes already. Nice work by the team.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Phyllis Jones Pisanelli

    What about more book themes?

    Liked by 5 people

  3. aprokoarenacom

    This is great

    Liked by 2 people

  4. JanBeek

    Thank you for always working to make things better… and for sharing your ideas with us bloggers. Tell me, where do I go to learn how to replace widgets that seemed to disappear from the margins of my blog?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Jkund

    What about sidebar + widget support?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. myicanstory

    Meraki is way cool!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Manoj Mehra

    Provide 3 columns themes with a sidebar.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. dantesmtih

    Great themes!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. dantesmtih

    Loving these fresh themes!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Rehmat Ali Khan


    Liked by 2 people

  11. itsthatwoman

    Is it possible that you could group available themes for WRITERS who started writing blogs when they were about WORDS and not pictures? It is too time consuming to go through theme after theme all of which are useless to me. I gave up and keep using my legacy templates.

    Liked by 5 people

  12. David Thrift

    Vivre looks amazing, and very attention getting for someone who just wants to write with less photos. All the other templates are great too. I agree with another commenter that some templates featuring a 3 column design for more traditional blogging sites would be great. I remember when all the block themes started coming out, and feeling like we would lose the traditional feel of blogging. But then I took time to learn Gutenburg and enough about the blocks to create my own template that carries a 3 column section, a 2 column section, and even a full width section all up and down the template. There is actually a template called Blank Canvas which is free, and anyone using it could design a 3 column set up, but I’m guessing there’s still a lot of people who haven’t learned all the block options, or even the Full Site Editing (FSE), which has been a game changer for me since I learned it. Some may not even want to learn it. Sometimes it’s just fun or convenient to choose a ready-made template and run with it. While I’m here, I have to plug in another comment about the recent change back to the prior plans and the Pro plan. I said this in another comment but wanted to say it again. I really think the Pro plan should be plugged into the pricing table as an option for someone who could benefit from the use of plugins with a decent amount of storage without as much of a punch to their wallets. It could be a great option for small craft businesses who would like to give Woocommerce a shot at building a store so they don’t have to depend on places like Etsy, Storenvy, Gumroad, etc. The Business plan is definitely needed and I’m glad to see it back, but let’s be honest, for a lot of people it’s not affordable for all options. Some people might benefit from it for the storage (photographers for example). WordPress definitely did the right thing by bringing back the Personal and Premium plans as well. Those two plans for me have been solid building blocks in my blogging journey since 2014 on this platform, and I know for myself will continue to be the stepping stones to one day maybe being successful enough that I will need to upgrade to a higher plan. I know also from reading other comments when those plans were taken away that many other people depend on those plans not just for fun, but for some projects that need a dependable plan to gain domain ownership with ad removal. I really hope that WordPress will leave these in place and please consider my recommendation to plug that Pro plan in between the Premium and Business plan, and thanks for taking our feedback (good and bad) into consideration to bring back the plans we love.

    Liked by 5 people

  13. brilliantviewpoint

    Thanks – I would like to see some Author themes. There aren’t many to choose from if we don’t have access to Plug-ins.

    Liked by 8 people

  14. RT1959

    Pendant gets my vote. I love the look and feel of it although the other themes on your list are really attractive too. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Ovat Friday


    Liked by 2 people

  16. Shohidadnan


    Liked by 2 people

  17. lalitmnayyar

    Really Beautiful Themes.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Suzanne

    I have found it impossibly difficult to switch themes. I’d like to, but every time I do, my site falls apart, things revert back to the demo photos/text from the old theme, it’s just a mess. Any advice? (Other than hire someone to do it for me, which I should, but I’d love to do it myself!)

    Liked by 4 people

  19. deepanilamani

    Thanks for the new themes!


  20. nicole052488



  21. Bfab - Live. Luv. Fashion

    Great themes. Is there any free theme for fashion?


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