
Transparency Report Update: January–June 2024

We’re pleased to present Automattic’s 22nd biannual transparency report. In its (virtual) pages, you’ll find many categories you’ve seen in previous editions: government removal and information requests, intellectual property statistics, and privacy reports. However, as part of our compliance with the Digital Services Act, this report—which covers the period of January through June 2024—will also […]

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Transparency Report Update: July – December 2023

Our latest Transparency Report is out, covering July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023. As in past reports, you’ll find information about the types and volumes of government requests that we received across Automattic’s services.  Since 2013, we have published bi-annual Transparency Reports providing the public with robust insights into the types of complaints, takedown […]

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Hall of Shame: Star Trek After Dark

There are certain parts of the internet where Star Trek and adult content overlap harmoniously in expected ways, but Tumblr was recently a platform where that overlap was remarkably unexpected.  Our latest entry into Automattic’s Hall of Shame tells the story of a Star Trek starship, an overambitious copyright monitoring company, one off-base DMCA (Digital […]

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Transparency Report Update: July – December 2022

The latest update to our bi-annual transparency report, covering the period of July-December 2022, is now available. In it, we are sharing data about government information requests as well as government takedown demands. We’re also including information on data access and removal requests we receive, and notices of copyright and trademark infringement. Privacy Reports User […]

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Section 230 Allows Us to Host Speech that Spans (and Celebrates and Criticizes) All Viewpoints. We Urge the Supreme Court Not to Gut It.

Today we filed an amicus (“friend of the Court”) brief in the Gonzalez v. Google case that is in front of the Supreme Court. The Gonzalez case challenges Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the protections it gives online platforms from being held legally liable for content posted by our users. This is […]

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Transparency Report Update: July – December 2021

We’re back again to unveil Automattic’s latest transparency report covering the period between July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021. Across both and Tumblr, we’re publishing data about government requests for user information, government demands for removal of content, as well as national security requests and notices of copyright and trademark infringement. During the […]

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Transparency Report Update: January – June 2021

Today we’re rolling out Automattic’s most recent transparency report which covers January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021. As in past reports, we’re sharing data about national security requests, government requests for user information, government demands for content removal, as well as notices of copyright and trademark infringement. We’re committed to transparency and we’ve continued […]

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