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Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed

Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed


Site Kit, insanların sitenizi nasıl buldukları ve nasıl kullandıkları hakkında bilgi edinmek için Google’ın resmi WordPress eklentisidir. Site Kit, siteyi web’de başarılı kılmak için kritik Google araçlarından konuşlandırma, yönetme ve bilgi alma konusunda tek adımda bir çözümdür. Birden fazla Google ürününden doğrudan WordPress panosunda ücretsiz erişim için yetkili, güncel bilgiler sunar.

En iyi Google araçlarını WordPress’e getirin

Site Kit, bu Google ürünlerini kesintisiz ve esnek hale getirmeyi sağlayan güçlü özellikler içerir:

  • Anlaşılması kolay istatistikler doğrudan WordPress panonuzda
  • Tek bir gösterge tablosunda, birden fazla Google aracından resmi istatistikler
  • Sitenizin kaynak kodunu düzenlemek zorunda kalmadan birden fazla Google aracı için hızlı kurulum
  • Sitenizin tamamı ve bireysel yayınlar için ölçümler
  • WordPress ve farklı Google ürünlerinde yönetimi kolay, ayrıntılı izinler

Desteklenen Google araçları

Site Kit, farklı Google ürünlerinden gelen önemli ölçümleri ve öng��rüleri gösterir:

  • Arama Konsolu: Google Arama’nın sayfalarınızı Google Arama’da nasıl keşfettiğini ve görüntülediğini anlayın. Sitenizi Arama sonuçlarında kaç kişinin gördüğünü ve sitenizi aramak için hangi sorguyu kullandıklarını izleyin.
  • Analytics: Kullanıcıların sitenizde nasıl gezindiğini ve kullanıcılarınızın tamamlanması için belirlediğiniz hedefleri nasıl izlediğini keşfedin.
  • AdSense: Sitenizin size ne kadar kazandırdığını takip edin.
  • PageSpeed Insights: Sayfalarınızın diğer gerçek dünya sitelerine kıyasla nasıl performans gösterdiğini görün. PageSpeed Insights’dan alınabilir ipuçları ile performansı artırın.
  • Tag Manager: Etiket Yöneticisi’ni kolayca ayarlamak için Site Kit’i kullanın; kod düzenlemeye gerek yoktur. Ardından, etiketlerinizi Etiket Yöneticisi’nde yönetin.


Note: Make sure that your website is live. If your website isn’t live yet, Site Kit can’t show you any data.
However, if you have a staging environment in addition to your production site, Site Kit can display data from your production site in the staging environment. Learn how to use Site Kit with a staging environment.

WordPress içinden yükleme

  1. Eklentiler > Yeni Ekle‘yi ziyaret edin.
  2. Google’dan Site Kit‘i arayın.
  3. Site Kit by Google kurun ve etkinleştirin.
  4. Site Kit’i Google hesabınıza bağlayın. Birden fazla WordPress yöneticisi varsa, eklentiye erişmek için her yöneticinin kendi Google hesabını bağlaması gerektiğini unutmayın.

Manuel Kurulum

  1. google-site-kit klasörünün tamamını /wp-content/plugins/ dizinine yükleyin.
  2. Eklentiler‘i ziyaret edin.
  3. Google Site Kit’i etkinleştirin.
  4. Site Kit’i Google hesabınıza bağlayın. Birden fazla WordPress yöneticisi varsa, eklentiye erişmek için her yöneticinin kendi Google hesabını bağlaması gerektiğini unutmayın.

Aktivasyondan sonra

  1. Yeni Site Kit menüsünü ziyaret edin.
  2. Kurulum akışındaki talimatları izleyin.
  3. Arama Konsolu’ndan zaten temel ölçümleri görüntüleyen ana Site Kit kontrol paneline gidin.
  4. Connect additional Google tools under Site Kit > Settings. Learn more about which tools are right for you.


Daha fazla bilgi için resmi Site Kit web sitesini ziyaret edin.

Site Kit ücretsiz mi?

Site Kit eklentisi ücretsiz ve açık kaynaktır ve öyle kalacaktır. Site Kit’e dahil edilen tek tek Google ürünleri, bu ürünler için (varsa) standart şartlar ve ücretlere tabidir.

What are the minimum requirements for Site Kit?

In order to successfully install and use Site Kit, your site must meet the following requirements:

  • WordPress version 5.2+
  • PHP version 7.4+
  • Modern browser – Internet Explorer is not supported
  • Is publicly accessible – it isn’t in maintenance mode, accessible only via password, or otherwise blocked
  • REST API is available – Site Kit must be able to communicate via REST API with Google services. To ensure that the REST API is available for your site, go to Tools > Site Health.

Why is my dashboard showing “gathering data” and none of my service data?

It can take a few days after connecting Site Kit to a Google service for data to begin to display in your dashboard. The “gathering data” message typically appears when you’ve recently set up a Google service (i.e. just created a new Analytics account) and/or your site is new, and data is not yet available for display.

If you are still seeing this message after a few days, feel free to get in touch with us on the support forum.

Why aren’t any ads appearing on my site after I connected AdSense?

If you’re new to AdSense when you connect via Site Kit, your new AdSense account and your site will need to be manually reviewed and approved for ads by the AdSense team. Ads will not display until your account and site have been approved. Check out this guide for more information about the approval process and timeline.

You can check your approval status in Site Kit by going to Settings > Connected Services > AdSense and clicking Check your site status. This link will direct you to AdSense. If you see “Ready,” your account and site have been approved and should be displaying ads. If you see “Getting ready…,” your account and site are still under review and your site will not display ads until they have been approved.

If Site Kit has successfully added the AdSense snippet to your site and your account and site have been approved, but your site is still not showing ads, contact the AdSense Help Center for assistance.

You can find more information on how Site Kit works with AdSense in our Managing AdSense guide.

Is Site Kit GDPR compliant?

When using Site Kit, site owners are responsible for managing notice and consent requirements – including GDPR requirements – as described in Google’s Terms of Service.

By default, Site Kit does anonymize IP addresses upon activation of the Google Analytics module. This setting can be turned off in Site Kit > Settings > Analytics > Anonymize IP addresses.

There are a number of third-party plugins that allow you to block Google Analytics, Tag Manager, or AdSense from capturing data until a visitor to the site consents. Some of these work natively with Site Kit by providing plugin-specific configurations. You can find out more about these by visiting our GDPR compliance and privacy page.

Where can I get additional support?

Please create a new topic on our support forum. Be sure to follow the support forum guidelines when posting.


16 Eylül 2024
Rating: 4/5 Stars Google’s Site Kit plugin is a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for WordPress users who want to integrate essential Google tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights into their site seamlessly. After using it extensively, here’s my breakdown of its key features, strengths, and some areas where it could improve. What I Loved Easy Integration: Site Kit is incredibly easy to set up. With just a few clicks, users can connect their WordPress site to key Google services. There’s no need to manually insert tracking codes or toggle between different dashboards. For beginners, this is a huge time-saver. Comprehensive Dashboard: Once set up, the plugin provides a well-organized dashboard where you can view key metrics from Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights all in one place. This convenience eliminates the need to log in to multiple platforms, providing an at-a-glance overview of site performance and ad earnings. Data Transparency: The integration with Google Analytics and Search Console is particularly valuable. You can quickly track your site’s traffic, see which pages perform best, and monitor search queries that bring visitors to your site. This visibility into your data helps in making informed content and SEO decisions. AdSense Integration: For websites running ads, the AdSense integration is simple and effective. You can monitor your ad earnings directly from your WordPress dashboard, which is great for casual users who don’t need the full complexity of the standalone AdSense dashboard. PageSpeed Insights: Speed is critical for both user experience and SEO, and Site Kit brings PageSpeed Insights directly into WordPress. This allows you to monitor how your pages perform in terms of load speed and identify optimization opportunities. Areas for Improvement Limited Advanced Features: While Site Kit is great for beginners or casual users, advanced users might find it lacking in deeper customization. It simplifies data presentation, which is perfect for quick overviews, but for more in-depth analysis, users will likely need to dive into the native Google Analytics or Search Console platforms. AdSense Delays: Sometimes, the AdSense data can take a while to refresh or sync properly, which can be frustrating for users who want real-time revenue updates. PageSpeed Data Accuracy: Although the PageSpeed Insights feature is useful, the data can sometimes be a bit off when compared to running PageSpeed Insights tests directly from Google’s tool. For precision, users may still prefer to run tests outside the plugin. Occasional Sync Issues: There have been reports of minor issues with syncing data between Site Kit and Google services. This can cause some frustration when metrics or earnings don’t show up as expected, though these issues are typically resolved with plugin updates. Final Verdict Overall, Site Kit by Google is a solid plugin for WordPress users who want to monitor their site’s performance using multiple Google services. It’s perfect for beginners, providing an easy way to track SEO performance, traffic, ad revenue, and site speed in one place. While it may not offer all the advanced tools for seasoned web developers, it covers the essentials quite well. With a few minor tweaks, it could become an even more powerful tool for all users. If you’re looking for a user-friendly way to integrate Google’s essential web tools into your WordPress site, Site Kit is definitely worth considering.
3 Eylül 2024 1 yanıt
I have several sites and none of them refuse to work. It always shows the message that there is no connection to the site. I don’t recommend
876 incelemeyi oku

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“Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed” 28 dile çevrildi. Katkıda bulundukları için çevirmenlere teşekkürler.

“Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed” eklentisini dilinize çevirin.

Geliştirmeyle ilgilenir misiniz?

Kodu görüntüle, SVN deposuna göz at veya RSS ile geliştirme günlüğüne abone ol.

Değişiklik Kaydı



  • Add a cron task to fetch Analytics report data for conversion events reporting. See #9130.


  • Add an “Edit in Reader Revenue Manager” link to the RRM module’s settings view screen. See #9192.
  • Add conversionReporting feature flag to plugin. See #9152.
  • Add support for Analytics Conversion Report Events in data store. See #9132.
  • Fix the undefined array key “name” warning. See #9113.
  • Don’t show the Audiences Widget Area on the dashboard when the “Display visitor groups in dashboard” switch is toggled off in the Settings section. See #9065.
  • Refactor PAX notification to use new notification infrastructure. See #8980.
  • Update Google Tag scope notifications to use new notifications infrastructure. See #8979.
  • Update banner notification code for the “Unsatisfied Scopes Alert” banner notification. See #8978.
  • Optimize Audience Segmentation related API calls to be made only when the area is being viewed. See #8879.
  • Add the PublicationOnboardingStateNotice component, rendering a notice based on the onboarding state of the current publication and presented in Storybook. See #8838.
  • Fix PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. See #8589.
  • Enhance Audience Segmentation CTAs to not appear on shared dashboard. See #8174.
  • Show a notice in the Audience Creation Notice when the Analytics edit scope is missing, and proceed directly to the OAuth flow upon clicking a CTA to create an audience. See #8165.
  • Show an Audience Tile in an error state if an error occurred while retrieving its data; show a combined error state if all audiences have an error. See #8147.


  • Ensure the list of publications in the Reader Revenue Manager setup and settings screens only shows publications relevant to the current site. See #9247.
  • Update the PAX library version. See #9237.
  • Enhance stability of visual regression test runs. See #9211.

See changelog for all versions.