Schema FAQ Block

The Schema FAQ Block extension introduces an easy way to insert a list of FAQ (frequently asked questions) and answers using a quick FAQ Block for Gutenberg editor.

For better search engine exposure and gaining FAQ rich snippets in search results, a FAQ page must have a valid markup implementation.

The FAQ Block extension appends valid structured data markup in your FAQ page.

What is FAQPage markup?

The FAQPage type is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results about your FAQ pages, including rich snippets.

What Schema FAQ Block extension does?

Schema FAQ Block do the heavy work for you. It allows you to add FAQ questions and answers via a Gutenberg Block that is easy to use, then it will automatically append a valid structured data markup in your FAQ page. (see screenshots below)

Key Features

  • Build FAQ section via Gutenberg Block.
  • Automatic FAQPage* markup output.
  • Provide valid markup for Google**.
*The FAQPage type indicates that the page is an FAQ with answered questions.
**Google recommend you add new structured data markup with JSON-LD, separate from your HTML markup, especially if your product data contains variants. Added markup are distinct from any user-facing code, which makes it easier to maintain. Any structured data markup specifically designed for Google usage can be added without changing any of the visual elements of your site. Note that the code that generates your structured data needs to be kept in sync any changes to the user-facing elements on your site.


Schema FAQ Block is an extension for Schema Plugin version 1.2.4 and up. You must have Schema Premium installed on your website to use this extension.



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