
  • Member Since: May 18th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Bug: From Email field is populated with the Subject and cannot be altered, on the site Forums:
    Great news, thanks PatrickRob

  • Posted a reply to Hide labels?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Patrick. Yes, I can use CSS to hide labels, but I was looking for…

  • Created a topic, Bug: From Email field is populated with the Subject and cannot be altered, on the site Forums:
    While I'm posting, I've found a bug here in Forminator…

  • Posted a reply to Notifications: Field results-only, no labels, no numbered list, on the site Forums:
    Forget this one - I was seeing the default admin notification template, not the one…

  • Created a topic, Hide labels?, on the site Forums:
    Hi again I normally hide labels in a form and user …

  • Created a topic, Notifications: Field results-only, no labels, no numbered list, on the site Forums:
    Hi, this is of course the best form plugin, but I'm ha…

  • Created a topic, Works very well, thank you, on the site Forums:
    Five stars and all that

  • Posted a reply to Feedback on the templates, on the site Forums:
    Woops! I was testing both your version and the Kadence one last night and this…

  • Created a topic, Feedback on the templates, on the site Forums:
    Hi again Just some feedback on the templates. I…

  • Created a topic, Customizer shows tabs from website level, on the site Forums:
    Hi there I've been testing this plugin out, thank y…

  • Created a topic, Brainstorm have a good family of products, on the site Forums:
    And plenty of ongoing development. Good service too.

  • Posted a reply to CF Page Rules are deprecated, on the site Forums:
    Ok yep cool. I don't mind setting up rules manually. Just so long as one…

  • Posted a reply to 3.6.4 update – Still cannot save “Allow this snippet to be act… etc.”, on the site Forums:
    Yes, everything is on offer. I'll email you now as I understand some things can't…

  • Posted a reply to Zip AI Assistant is active even when plugin is not, on the site Forums:
    Ok I've submitted that now via the paid support system there even though it happens…

  • Posted a reply to CF Page Rules are deprecated, on the site Forums:
    But does the plugin do that automatically like it does with the old rules system,…

  • Posted a reply to Zip AI Assistant is active even when plugin is not, on the site Forums:
    Hi there I've double-checked on mine here and I can record it happening as I…

  • Posted a reply to CF Page Rules are deprecated, on the site Forums:
    Yes, wondering the same thing - Whether the replacement rules system is going to work…

  • Created a topic, Zip AI Assistant is active even when plugin is not, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I run a multisite and have Spectra and S…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Hey, thanks for looking at this. I received screenshots of the DNS which is at…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for having a look at this, I appreciate your expertise on this. I'll…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Oh, I should state that I don't have control over the DNS of that domain.…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Hi, the whole point of this query is that the neurizer domain is not in…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Yes, this is the site where the domain is not on Cloudflare: If the…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Hi, yes it's always been installed/activated separately per site, not at network level, and it…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    I guess the basic question is whether or not this plugin would/could cause pages to…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Adding to this... The above is not accurate now, ten minutes later. Now, all pages…

  • Created a topic, Multisite – Getting cf-cache-status: HIT on a non-CF site, on the site Forums:
    Hi there This is a great plugin, I've been using it…

  • Posted a reply to Activity Log Email Off/On Option, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for sorting this out guys! ROb

  • Posted a reply to Primary Network site shows/records analytics from all the subsites., on the site Forums:
    Hi Kris Thanks for checking this. I'll send you an email there now and we'll…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite IP Address Detection – Not all domains are on Cloudflare, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this Adam. Got sidetracked for a while but back again now. I'll check…

  • Posted a reply to 3.6.4 update – Still cannot save “Allow this snippet to be act… etc.”, on the site Forums:
    "Would it be possible to provide some fresh steps for how to reengineer this on…

  • Posted a reply to Primary Network site shows/records analytics from all the subsites., on the site Forums:
    Thanks Kris I can send any supporting data, details or links to an email if…

  • Created a topic, Primary Network site shows/records analytics from all the subsites., on the site Forums:
    Hi there Reporting an issue regarding multisites. …

  • Posted a reply to Dashboard feed Items Count won’t go past 10 – Feed has 18 items in it., on the site Forums:
    Yes, thanks for getting this sorted Kris.

  • Posted a reply to Activity Log Email Off/On Option, on the site Forums:
    Ditto :)

  • Posted a reply to Dashboard feed Items Count won’t go past 10 – Feed has 18 items in it., on the site Forums:
    This is working now. Seems good.

  • Created a topic, Dashboard feed Items Count won’t go past 10 – Feed has 18 items in it., on the site Forums:
    Hi there I use Branda to add a feed of documents to…

  • Created a topic, This is the one to get for Australia Post, on the site Forums:
    Have had the paid version for a year and no issues. Wh…

  • Created a topic, 3.6.4 update – Still cannot save “Allow this snippet to be act… etc.”, on the site Forums:
    Just upgraded to the 3.6.4 release and can report that…

  • Created a topic, Great set of fancy sliders and good support too, on the site Forums:
    Good plugin and good support.

  • Created a topic, Multisite IP Address Detection – Not all domains are on Cloudflare, on the site Forums:
    Hi there The latest update automatically switched I…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot save for individual site activation – status code 500, on the site Forums:
    I've just been trying to add a snippet today and I see the issue is…

  • Created a topic, Outlook rendering, on the site Forums:
    Hi again I've come back to this plugin again becaus…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot save for individual site activation – status code 500, on the site Forums:
    "If we were to acquire licenses for all of our subsites on our multisite will…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot save for individual site activation – status code 500, on the site Forums:
    Ok, I've tested this here on the WP 6.3 multisite in my original post above.…

  • Posted a reply to No more admin access after 3.6.1 Pro update, on the site Forums:
    I've upgraded to 3.6.3 and it didn't crash the Admin like 3.6.1. did, so that's…

  • Posted a reply to No more admin access after 3.6.1 Pro update, on the site Forums:
    Is it sufficient to copy the 351 plugin folder back into the site as I…

  • Posted a reply to No more admin access after 3.6.1 Pro update, on the site Forums:
    Adding to this - I copied the plugin folder for the previous 3.5.1 release out…

  • Created a topic, No more admin access after 3.6.1 Pro update, on the site Forums:
    I always dread installing updates for this one, but I …

  • Posted a reply to Security headers vanish when Super Page Cache is enabled, on the site Forums:
    Just updating this for others looking for a solution. I found the IIS > HTTP…

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