
  • Member Since: May 21st, 2010
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  • Created a topic, Nice, on the site Forums:
    This plugin needs to develop continuously in the futur…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin Upload Warning, on the site Forums:
    Hi @litetim , Yes, however now the warning is gone by itself, I don't know…

  • Created a topic, Cache Site Pages, on the site Forums:
    I got warning every time plugin uploaded, i'm using la…

  • Created a topic, Cache Site Pages, on the site Forums:
    I found that this plugin generates static cache files …

  • Posted a reply to Site Kit encountered an error, on the site Forums:
    Hi @jamesosborne , The error is gone by itself after 2 days reporting here. I…

  • Created a topic, Site Kit encountered an error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Got this error message when trying to open the …

  • Created a topic, Nice, on the site Forums:
    Plugin really useful for my site. Thank you and keep u…

  • Created a topic, Jetpack not AMP compatible, on the site Forums:
    Jetpack not compatible while scan process done and gen…

  • Created a topic, twentytwenty not amp compatible, on the site Forums:
    The plugin said that the twentytwenty theme is amp com…

  • Created a topic, Jetpack error with AMP, on the site Forums:
    Cannot get full site AMP while Jepack plugin activated…

  • Created a topic, AMP Code Support, on the site Forums:
    Does this plugin work with the AMP page? If not, I hop…

  • Created a topic, Wonderful, on the site Forums:
    This plugin really impressed me, please keep it always…

  • Created a topic, Multipage Article, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Does this plugin also support for article posts t…

  • Created a topic, Change Phone No, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I already change my phone number to a new one, my…

  • Posted a reply to Toolkit update breaking Gutenberg editor, on the site Forums:
    same here, how to fix this issue, please?

  • Created a topic, Not work with default twentytwenty theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I can't make it to work while using twentytwenty …

  • Created a topic, WordPress Multi Subsite not works, on the site Forums:
    I activate this plugin in a subsite of wordpress multi…

  • Created a topic, Jetpack Related Post shortcode, Sharing & Like not work in AMP, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I follow the jetpack support guide on your offici…

  • Created a topic, Nice!, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin, keep this updated frequently.

  • Posted a reply to Jetpack SEO noindex, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Nevermind, I found it here, hope it can help another.

  • Created a topic, Jetpack SEO noindex, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Jetpack’s SEO tools adding meta tag in the header…

  • Posted a reply to 403 Error Loop, on the site Forums:
    Hi @jenhooks It still not solved, the error raised when the user logged in, if…

  • Created a topic, Breadcrumbs not fully works, on the site Forums:
    Using WordPress default theme twentytwentyone, I try t…

  • Created a topic, 403 Error Loop, on the site Forums:
    I recently installed a new WordPress self-hosted and t…

  • Created a topic, Cache Preload Problem sometimes Not Fully Writing the html page!, on the site Forums:
    The plugin works great in my environment but I found t…

  • Posted a reply to Titktok performance page speed issue, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, So, When you release the update to include this optimization fix was coming?…

  • Created a topic, Titktok performance page speed issue, on the site Forums:
    in gtmetrix or other platform page speed tests, point …

  • Created a topic, [Co-Authors Plus] Compability problem with Automattic AMP plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I found an issue that the plugin not compati…

  • Posted a reply to Cookies was set 3 times when adding product to cart, on the site Forums:
    I fixed this by editing the cookie set in wp-config.php, now work normally. Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Cookies was set 3 times when adding product to cart, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I try to add the product into my cart, the …

  • Posted a reply to Problem with jetpack Lazy Images Load script and woocommerce cart, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I added that code in my child theme function and activated it, cleared the…

  • Created a topic, Problem with jetpack Lazy Images Load script and woocommerce cart, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I disable function jetpack site accelerator and l…

  • Created a topic, Widget & Footer to Display License on the Multisite not working, on the site Forums:
    I installed this plugin on my multisite WordPress and …