
2020 • 102 minutu
887 iritzi
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In Disney and Pixar's ONWARD, two teenage elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot (voices of Tom Holland and Chris Pratt) get an unexpected opportunity to spend one more day with their late dad and embark on an extraordinary quest aboard Barley's epic van Guinevere. Like any good quest, their journey is filled with magic spells, cryptic maps, impossible obstacles, and unimaginable discoveries. But when the boys' fearless mom Laurel (voice of Julia Louis-Dreyfus) realizes that her sons are missing, she teams up with a part-lion, part-bat, part-scorpion, former warrior – aka The Manticore (voice of Octavia Spencer) – and heads off to find them. Perilous curses aside, this one magical day could mean more than any of them ever dreamed.

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887 iritzi
Miss Silva
2020(e)ko apirilaren 6(a)
I didn't really enjoy the movie at all! Watched it with my small boys to spend time with them and found myself annoyed through most of it. The only way to describe the older brother is "major doofus", and I don't even use that word ever! The younger brother wanted that special moment with his dad so bad to be stuck at the end from a distance watching the doofus get a MINUTE with his dad as a complete body, smh, dumb!!!
8 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Alexander Zuckerman
2020(e)ko apirilaren 4(a)
Really really really boring. To all the people out there that defend everything Disney does, STOP IT! I guarantee you it's like every other pixar film where people love it now and then they hate it later on. And happen would Brave and happen with The good dinosaur and it's going to happen with this movie. Their last great movie was Wall-E. Where the entire 1st half of the movie there's almost no dialog and there is 10,000 times more charm in it then that felt in all of Onward.
10 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Stephen Jacewicz
2020(e)ko abuztuaren 28(a)
4 and a half out of 5, I wasn't the biggest fan of it but then it got quite cool. In the main house in the film and more alot of the things look non animated, making a nice blend of live action and animation, which Disney seemed to do with the rain in Toy Story 4 and if I'm correct the ocean in Moana. More cool stuff comes, and it is a great rendition of The Bible, talking about trust and warning about hell, relating to our need to accept Jesus as our savior, our only hope. Onward, good stuff!
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