Glenn H. Reynolds

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Amid Brazil's battle to muzzle Musk's X, Elon eyes tech triumph in free-speech wars

Starlink and other advances may soon make it even harder for governments to censor our communications and stifle free expression.

Make families cool again to solve US 'birth dearth'

Vance's and Harris' subsidy proposals won't make Americans have more babies — but the fact that both parties are suddenly pushing pro-birth policies is a sign of change. 

Harris, Walz lies prove it's a working-class election

Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, and by pretending to care about working-class people, the Democrats are telling us that they think it’s a working-class election. 

The private sector is ditching DEI, but government can't let go

Woke DEI policies are DIE-ing in corporations and even colleges — but not in Washington DC, as the Secret Service's failures prove.

RFK Jr. is right — paper ballots will restore faith in our elections

In our low-trust society, “US citizens need to know that every one of their votes were counted, and that their elections cannot be hacked,” RFK Jr. wrote last week.

Trades surge, colleges sink as the 'toolbelt generation' turns to hands-on work

The higher-education industry is having a bad decade.

The more Fetterman recovers, the less he's with the left

The more Sen John Fetterman's brain damage recedes the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party’s functionaries.

Hunter's laptop, Wuhan and more: 'Disinformation' and 'conspiracies' turn out to be true — again and again

These days it seems like a conspiracy theorist is just someone who was right, but at an inconveniently early time.

Protesters, colleges are about to find out that, yes, the law DOES apply to them, too

The campus protests may be winding down, but don’t worry — now the really expensive and destructive phase begins: the litigation.

Dems use the legal system to target the right — yet give the left a pass

Laws that hamper Democrats are ignored. Laws that might be used to hurt Republicans are enforced to — and often well past — the limits of the law.

Jewish students, come here to the South — where you'll be safe

My advice to Jewish students at these institutions: Come on down. At schools like mine, the University of Tennessee, in red states, such intimidation, harassment and lawlessness aren’t tolerated.

Biden's Middle East policy is beyond parody

That’s right. Israel has had more than a thousand of its citizens raped, tortured, murdered and kidnapped, it’s been subjected to a massive missile attack, and it’s being told to...

'The Population Bomb' was wrong: The world now struggling to make more babies

Across the world, governments adopted population-trimming policies, from subsidized birth control to promoting two-worker households to China’s “one child” policy.

Why our institutions keep going woke and going broke

Big institutions keep misreading the American public and latching onto insane leftist policies that alienate them from all right-thinking people.

Four years on, COVID damage remains while Fauci & Co. pay no price

We just passed the fourth anniversary of “15 Days To Slow the Spread,” the start of the COVID lockdowns that did damage from which we still haven’t recovered. 

Canada's elite colluded against the Freedom Convoy truckers — just as America's elite have colluded against us

His critics call him Prime Minister Zoolander after the vacuous male model in the movie of the same name. 

Why I love the blue-state refugees moving to my red state

There has been a great mass migration away from blue states in favor of red states where taxes are lower, intrusive government bureaucracy is less and political violence is uncommon.

The white-collar class derided mass layoffs among the blue-collar workers. It's about to feel their pain

Companies are already beginning to lay off white-collar jobs for artificial intelligence, according to Post columnist Glenn H. Reynolds.

Bill Ackman's war to make universities accountable has the left panicked

Hedge-fund tycoon Bill Ackman is waging war to make universities accountable.

Disinformation starts at the top — with America's elites

Our society is more vulnerable to “misinformation” attacks at the top, but we’ve been concentrating our defenses further down, with poor results.