Mental Health

Letting mentally-ill dangers walk streets: one more way de Blasio fails NYC

So the guy accused of sucker-punching Rick Moranis apparently has been randomly attacking folks for months, without real consequences. No wonder New Yorkers are fleeing by the hundreds of thousands.

Marquis Ventura, charged Sunday with socking the “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” star, is only the latest in a long string of untreated seriously mentally ill left free to roam — until they cause serious harm to someone or attack a famous person.

He’s now been fingered in five attacks over the last half-year. His lawyer says he has schizophrenia but quit taking his meds.

Over the summer, video showed Rashid Brimmage randomly striking a 92-year-old woman in Manhattan. Brimmage, just 31, had a rap sheet of a whopping 103 arrests. A year ago, a mentally ill attacker was charged with fatally bludgeoning four homeless men.

Blame the revolving doors in the mental-health and criminal-justice systems, which often dump the ill back on the streets even before their victims are out of the hospital. Just last month, Ventura got a mere desk-appearance ticket for allegedly attacking a straphanger.

Blame, too, the state no-bail law, the city’s end of real punishment for “low-level” crimes and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s drive to empty out Rikers so he can replace it with lower-capacity jails.

Plus, getting the mentally ill off the streets and into treatment has been a stunningly low priority for de Blasio, despite the $1.25 bill­ion he’s shelled out for ThriveNYC, his wife’s pretend mental-health gig.

If Blas cared, he’d fight cuts to scarce psychiatric-hospital beds, for starters; focus more on severe, rather than mild, mental-illness; push for reforms to make it easier to get sick predators off the streets and make them take their medication.

Instead, he’s given everyone more reason to leave town, on top of COVID. Postal Service data obtained by The Post show nearly 300,000 change-of-address requests out of the city these last eight months — roughly double last year’s rate.

Someday, maybe we’ll have a mayor dedicated to making New York more livable.