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Democratic Primaries

  1. power
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Inside JobHow a conspiracy-spewing literal Kennedy posing as a populist outsider jolted the Democratic Party.
  2. early and often
    Why Democrats Upended Their Primary CalendarThe old Iowa–New Hampshire duopoly is history.
  3. 2020 elections
    The ‘Tough on Crime’ TicketThe historical irony of a Biden-Harris ticket during a criminal-justice reckoning.
  4. politics
    Ilhan Omar Wins Democratic Primary in Minnesota’s 5th DistrictWith Omar defeating a progressive challenger with support from pro-Israel groups, all four Squad members are expected to return to Congress in 2021.
  5. profile
    Julián Castro and the ‘Timeless’ Policing CrisisPolicing reform was the centerpiece of his failed campaign. Now, it’s all anyone is talking about.
  6. 2020 elections
    Eliot Engel Regarded Himself As a Congressman-for-LifeEngel’s resentment of colleagues who endorsed his primary challenger for his ultrasafe seat betrays a sense of aristocratic entitlement.
  7. 2020 elections
    Why Are We Still Waiting for Results From the New York Primary?More than three weeks after the June 23 primaries, an unprecedented number of absentee ballots are still being counted.
  8. democratic primaries
    It Looks Like the Left Had a Very Good Primary Night in New YorkEliot Engel turned out to be the new Joe Crowley after all.
  9. democratic primaries
    Engel Teaches Dems That Backing War and Apartheid Has a DownsideThe congressman toed AIPAC’s line. In his race against Jamaal Bowman, that hurt him more than it helped.
  10. democratic primaries
    Charles Booker Met the Moment — and May Get to Take On Mitch McConnellAfter taking a leadership role in Louisville’s protests for racial justice, Booker is far less of a long shot in Kentucky’s Democratic Senate primary.
  11. democratic primaries
    Things Are Not Going Well for Amy McGrathThe candidate is backed by Senate Democrats, but isn’t generating much enthusiasm.
  12. vision 2020
    Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size PresidencyHe thinks he’ll survive Tara Reade’s accusation. But he knows he can’t be an average-Joe Democrat anymore.
  13. tara reade
    Tara Reade’s New Lawyer Represented 6 Weinstein VictimsIn an email to reporters, Douglas Wigdor announced that he’s now representing Reade.
  14. vision 2020
    Can Democrats Force Joe Biden Off of the Ticket?With Tara Reade’s allegations now front and center, Biden skeptics are speculating about pushing him out of the nomination, but it wouldn’t be easy.
  15. tara reade
    Tara Reade Is Making It Harder to Hide Joe BidenThat doesn’t mean his campaign will abandon its most effective strategy.
  16. tara reade
    New Sources Corroborate Timeline of Sexual Assault Accusation Against BidenTwo more women say that Tara Reade told them she’d experienced sexual harassment in Biden’s Senate office.
  17. democratic primaries
    Billionaire Candidate Spent Over $1 Billion on His Presidential CampaignMichael Bloomberg won 55 delegates in the primary, spending roughly $18 million per delegate.
  18. vision 2020
    Watch Elizabeth Warren’s Endorsement of Joe Biden“Joe Biden is a selfless public servant. He is committed to the fight for social, racial, and economic justice.”
  19. vision 2021
    President Sanders Isn’t Happening in 2021. A Political Revolution Still Could.The coronavirus crisis may be as promising a vehicle for bottom-up progressive change as the socialist senator’s campaign once was.
  20. vision 2020
    Primaries Continue to Melt Away During PandemicWith a few exceptions, states are either delaying presidential primaries or holding them mostly by mail.
  21. democratic primaries
    Stacey Abrams Is Joe Biden’s Strongest Running-Mate Prospect, Poll FindsData for Progress found that a Biden-led ticket featuring the former Georgia legislator polls uniquely well across a wide range of voters.
  22. democratic primaries
    Kim Foxx Wins Reelection in Chicago, Despite Jussie Smollett CaseOpponents’ efforts to make the race a referendum on the Jussie Smollett case appear to have failed.
  23. democratic primaries
    Another Sweep for Joe Biden in Florida, Illinois, and ArizonaBiden wins decisively in three diverse states, with a possible primary drought approaching.
  24. democratic primaries
    In a Bright Spot for Progressives, Marie Newman Defeats Dan Lipinski in IllinoisAn anti-abortion representative lost to a pro-choice, pro–Green New Deal Democrat in the primary for Illinois’s third district.
  25. vision 2020
    March 17 Primary Election Results 2020: Live UpdatesJoe Biden is projected to win in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois.
  26. the national interest
    Why Is Bernie Sanders Still Running for President?There’s not much gain in associating his brand with denial of political reality.
  27. vision 2020
    Will Bernie Stay or Will He Go?The coronavirus crisis is arguably vindicating Sanders’s agenda and ideology. But it’s hard to figure out whether he should declare victory or fight.
  28. coronavirus
    In the Age of the Coronavirus, Biden’s ‘Results’ Require Bernie’s ‘Revolution’At Sunday’s debate, Joe Biden promised to make every American hurt by the pandemic “whole” without making radical change. That’s impossible.
  29. democratic debates
    Key Moments From the Bernie-Biden DebateBiden maintained his focus as Sanders called out the former veep on his record — and the two condemned Trump for his handling of the coronavirus.
  30. vision 2020
    How to Watch the Democratic Debate Tonight in Washington, D.C.Everything you need to know to tune into what may be the final debate of the Democratic primaries.
  31. vision 2020
    The National Education Association Endorses Joe BidenAmerica’s largest union, which represents more than 3 million educators, voted to back the former vice-president on the eve of the next debate.
  32. vision 2020
    Joe Biden Should Probably Just Hide NowJames Clyburn thinks he’s so far ahead he doesn’t even need to debate Bernie Sanders. That would be a dream come true for the Biden campaign.
  33. vision 2020
    Joe Biden Is a Tool (But Progressives Can Use Him)Biden’s (likely) nomination is cause for disappointment but not despair.
  34. vision 2020
    March 10 Primary Election Results 2020: Live UpdatesBiden has swept the states that have called it so far, with projected wins in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, and Missouri.
  35. vision 2020
    Joe Biden Is Winning The Primary But Losing His Party’s FutureBiden dominated again Tuesday night. But Sanders’s resilient strength among younger voters is a force that he must reckon with.
  36. democratic primaries
    Joe Biden’s Critics Among Black Democrats Are Now Lying on His BehalfThe price of influence in the self-styled party of multiracial democracy.
  37. vision 2020
    Three Scenarios to Look for in the March 10 PrimariesA Biden sweep might represent curtains for Sanders. But a Bernie win in Michigan might rekindle the Sanders campaign.
  38. vision 2020
    As the Economy Weakens, the Case for Bernie Grows StrongerA pandemic and market crash have lent the Sanders campaign new purpose, even as it has been sliding out of contention.
  39. feminism
    Why Should We Want a Woman President?A woman president would make history. That isn’t enough.
  40. vision 2020
    Inside the Race to Win Over Elizabeth WarrenBernie Sanders and Joe Biden both want her support, but this is one situation Warren doesn’t have a plan for.
  41. vision 2020
    Kamala Harris Endorses Joe BidenThe California senator and possible running mate became the latest former rival to get behind Biden.
  42. criminal justice
    On Criminal Justice, Biden Has No Moral Standing Over TrumpOne of Trump’s main general election strategies will be contrasting the two men’s records. And it looks bad for Biden.
  43. intelligencer chats
    Where Does Bernie Go Now?In the race against Joe Biden, the Vermont senator is once again in a familiar position: underdog.
  44. intelligencer chats
    What Doomed Elizabeth Warren’s Candidacy?Trying to figure out why a one-time front-runner never quite hit liftoff.
  45. democratic primaries
    Super Tuesday Results 2020: Live UpdatesBiden is projected to win VA, NC, AL, TN, OK, AK, MN, MA, ME, and TX, while Sanders will take CO, VT, UT, and CA.
  46. the future
    Jessica Cisneros Should Be the Future of Her PartyDemocratic leaders are on the wrong side of a generational conflict.
  47. the national circus
    Frank Rich: Barring an Act of God, Biden Will Be the NomineeAfter Biden sews up the nomination, anything can — and will — happen.
  48. super tuesday
    This Is Not the Joe Biden You KnowBiden has risen to the top of the Democratic primary on the strength of voters’ feelings about who he is, not the current reality.
  49. democratic primaries
    Elizabeth Warren Drops Out of Presidential RaceThe Massachusetts senator’s exit leaves Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bernie Sanders as the last remaining Democrats in the race.
  50. bernie sanders
    Bernie Sanders Jumps on the Obama BandwagonPost-Super Tuesday, Sanders knows he needs to grow his coalition.
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