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User:Kaarel Vaidla (WM EE)/CEE Meeting

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Wikimedia CEE Meeting bidding proccess proposal



As it has been discussed on several occasions (WMCON 2016, Wikimania 2016), WMCEE collaborative lacks transparency when selecting locations for their annual meetings. So far organizations have stepped up stating that they want to take responsibility and there have generally been just one candidate, so it has worked out fine. On the other hand, some of the communities who want to hold the meeting in the future, would like to see a more clear bidding process or criteria for selecting location for the meeting.

Having a clear bidding process may facilitate understanding how the location for the meeting is chosen, but on the other hand may create bureaucracy and inefficiency in an already working process.

Solution 1


Continue in the way that the meeting location has been chosen so far, i.e. discuss proposal(s) on CEE meetups and then decide.


  • Fast process
  • No unnecessary effort


  • Lack of transparency
  • Lack of discussion

When continuing with the current process, the location of the next meeting will be discussed on WMCON and Wikimania and announced on CEE Meeting.

Solution 2


Introduce light-weight bidding process to increase transparency, have clear criteria for the host and a platform for more extensive discussion.


  • Increased transparency and clarity of selection process
  • Possibility to have more people involved in the discussion


  • Slow and inefficient process
  • Probability to end up with the same result with more effort

When choosing the bidding option transparency will hopefully be increased, but bureaucracy will be introduced. There have to be clear deadlines and decision-making process besides discussions on WMCON and Wikimania. The next venue would still be announced on CEE Meeting.

Possible bidding form (following WMCON2014 example)

  • Chapter/organisation/group
  • Team (at least three people), their roles and estimated working time
  • Primary contact person
  • Experience in organising event(s) with 50+ participants, i.e. which and how many event(s) did you organise before?
  • How logistics of the event will be managed?
  • “Visa-friendliness” of the country, i.e. provide a link to the English website of your country’s visa conditions.
  • Distance to the nearest international airport (km and appr. travel time)
  • Rough estimate of travel costs for all participants (given that each organisation sends two delegates)
  • Rough estimate of accommodation costs for all participants (given that each organisation sends two delegates)
  • Rough estimate of the total venue costs, i.e. a rough budget for rent, catering, technical equipment, wifi and social events.

Solution 3

