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< Stewards‎ | Confirm‎ | 2023
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Base (talk | contribs) at 12:11, 26 February 2023 (→‎Comments about Ruslik0). It may differ significantly from the current version.
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Ruslik0 has resigned, and as such, their confirmation process was stopped by the Election Committee. For the ElectCom, --Martin Urbanec (talk) 00:14, 9 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en-5, ru-N
  • Personal info: After 12 years of serving as a steward I am of an opinion that I am still capable of serving for one more year. As to the past year, I think that I was reasonably active in a majority of areas, for managing which stewards are responsible. For instance, I was active in the local and global user right management (including global bot requests), managing global groups, processing lock/unlock requests as well as in the area of global IP blocks. In addition, I handled from time to time checkuser requests and answered to local assistance requests on the SRM board. Thank you in advance.
  • ভাষা:
  • ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
  • Sprachen:
  • Informationen zur Person: translation needed
  • Idiomas:
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Nyelvek:
  • Személyes információk: translation needed
  • Lingue: en-5, ru-N
  • Informazioni personali: Dopo 12 anni di servizio come steward, sono dell'opinione di essere ancora in grado di prestare servizio per un altro anno. Per quanto riguarda lo scorso anno, penso di essere stato ragionevolmente attivo nella maggior parte delle aree la cui gestione è demandata agli steward. Per esempio, sono stato attivo nella gestione dei permessi utente locali e globali (comprese le richieste di bot globali), nella gestione dei gruppi globali, nell'evasione delle richieste di lock/unlock nonché nell'area dei blocchi globali agli IP. Inoltre, ho gestito di tanto in tanto le richieste di checkuser e ho risposto alle richieste di assistenza locale sulla bacheca nella pagina SRM. Grazie in anticipo.
  • Taalvaardigheid:
  • Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
  • Языки: en-5, ru-N
  • Личная информация: Даже после 12 лет работы в качестве стюарда, я считаю, что способен продолжать проработать в этом качестве по крайней мере ещё один год. Что касается последнего года, то я считаю, что был достаточно активен в большинстве областей, находящихся в зоне ответственности стюардов. Для примера, я принимал участие в управления глобальными и локальными правами пользователей (включая права ботов), глобальными группами, обрабатывал запросы, связанные с глобальными блокировками/разблокироваками аккаунтов пользователей и некоторыми глобальными IP блокировками. В дополнение к упомянутым областям, я время от времени занимался запросами по проверке пользователей и помогал с локальными запросами о помощи на SRM доске. Заранее спасибо за поддержку.
  • 可说语言:
  • 个人资料: translation needed
  • 可說語言:
  • 個人資料: translation needed

Comments about Ruslik0

While I do personally trust Ruslik a lot as a Steward, the concerns raised below started to make me doubt, so I will remain Neutral Neutral for now. --Stïnger (会話) 15:29, 6 February 2023 (UTC).[reply]