Ludovic Chabant


Here are some of my coding projects:

  • PieCrust: a fast and powerful static website generator and lightweight CMS.
  • Wikked: a wonderful Git/Hg-based wiki engine.
  • Gutentags: a tags file management plugin for Vim.
  • Lawrencium: a Mercurial plugin for Vim.

You can find more projects of mine on BOLT80, my coding portfolio.


To get in touch, toots or emails are best (depending on the length of message). Here is a more exhaustive list:

My code is on Github and Sourcehut.

Latest Articles

I post articles infrequently on The Stochastic Game, my personal blog. Here are the most recent entries:

Discontinuing PieCrust and Wikked

There haven’t been any blog posts about some of my open-source projects in a while and the reason for this is two-fold. First, I’ve been lazy about that side of my hobbies while I’ve been re-allocating my free time to writing and illustrating roleplaying game books. Second, I’ve actually discontinued a couple of my main […]

On TTRPG Reviews and Actual Plays

My friends over at the Titterpigs podcast did a recent episode on “played vs unplayed reviews”, and in a sort of interesting synchronicity, the Modern Mythos podcast just released an episode on actual plays. It’s interesting because I see all three types of content as being on the same scale of “game prep”. Let me […]

“Role-Playing Games Do Not Emulate Genres”

Travis Miller wrote this interesting article on his Grumpy Wizard blog about “genre emulation” in TTRPGs. He basically argues that games don’t “emulate” a genre as much as they are part of that genre: To “emulate” is to imitate, simulate, or copy a thing without being the thing itself. If you are running a game […]

Review: Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground

I didn’t really expect to be interested in this book. “Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground”, by Stu Horvath (of the Vintage RPG podcast, among other things), is a book that looks at the history of tabletop roleplaying games “from D&D to Mothership”, as it says on the cover. It’s not that I’m uninterested […]


Latest Microblogging

Here's my microblogging feed, published on my blog, and syndicated to Twitter and Mastodon:

Crazy theory: the decline of seeing movies in theatres in favour of streaming them at home was caused by movies becoming so long that a critical mass of people need a bathroom break in the middle, and therefore the ability to pause the movie.