Past Lives

Past Lives

This movie will make you sob
What is time, when it just passes by so quickly, before we know it the people we once knew have moved on and have different goals, personas what have you. 

A film that takes place over decades long, as we follow a relationship once had.
Past lives is A film intimately dissecting the human condition. And the test of what time does to us.  

Nora our main character leaves Korea as a child and moves to America to grow up, leaving behind her best friend Hae Sung. She grows up in New York City,  and much later in life connects with her long lost friend. 

Now shes married , he shows up in New York and they meet for the first time since they were kids.  That moment of time missed hits hard. They missed each other for so long. But things are so different, they have lived their lives and grown into different people.But the thought of what it could have been kills you from the inside. 

This is what Past Lives is about. Time passing, growing apart, and still having feelings for someone you didn’t realize you still had. 

Shot on film, in over three countries,  incredible performances for every cast member, and the cinematography is top shelf work.  This film deserves an academy for anything its a simple yet perfect and effective film. 

I feel when your at different stages of life, you relate to things on different levels, this film def relates to me now that I’m older, I’m not sure it would have the same effect on me if I was in my early 20’s 

It just means I’m mature as an adult, its okay to cry at a movie and be a man, I’m here to advocate for that.

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