Most ratings would probably change on a rewatch. Don’t know if I’d feel the same about most of the films I’ve seen years ago.

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  • A Silent Voice: The Movie

    A Silent Voice: The Movie

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    I have a lot to say about this, yet I don't feel like saying anything. The first quarter is truly difficult to watch. Given the subject matter, this was either going to be an exercise in frustration, or a careful examination about the weight of preconceptions and the difficult concept of atonement.

    It's a challenging feat, pulling off a deaf character without making them feel like that's their whole personality. But Naoko Yamada knows better. Shouko does have a personality,…

  • The Zone of Interest

    The Zone of Interest


    An exercise in detached, unfeeling storytelling that is understandable given the subject matter. Yet it's so strangely upsetting how normal everything is at the Hoss residence. You'll find not even the remotest hint of guilt, let alone remorse, on anyone's face. Introducing a new crematorium design for more efficient extermination is just another workday for Rudolf, and Hedwig is more than content with her life in the titular "zone," so much so that she's adamant about relocating somewhere else.


Popular reviews

  • 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

    4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Romania in the late 80s presents itself with very interesting topics. Having been beleaguered by communism for twenty-something years, those last few knockings of Ceaușescu's mandate were very stern to the population. Indeed, everyone who's lived back then will tell you about the wages and how everyone was obliged to contribute with their work-force, thus resulting in a low percentage of the population being out of work, but I digress. There are lots to talk about here, as what Mungiu's…

  • Black Swan

    Black Swan


    In essence, what Aronofsky dares to cross here is a tightrope - framing ballet isn't easy, plus the undertaking of making it such a compelling yarn is admirable - and he does so valiantly; aided by a plethora of metaphorical undercurrents enveloped by an admonition for perfection, nimbly sparring the viewer through samples of horror only to entwine them with riveting character study and melodrama. There's a certain authenticity about this film, and Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis have all…