Past Lives

Past Lives

Past Lives has been hailed as one of the best movies of the year, which is saying a lot considering some of the fantastic films we've gotten. I can happily say that it didn't disappoint

It's such a simple, yet complex movie. As a viewer, you're feeling so many conflicting emotions at every given moment throughout the film's duration. It's a fantastic roller-coaster of emotions and feelings

It's visually stunning, has a beautiful soundtrack, and above all... It feels real! Between the script, direction, performances and story, the characters just feel so real and human! It honestly feels like you're just watching the lives of real people, and not just fictional characters in a movie

It's absolutely perfect. It had me breathing shakily and close to tears towards the end. It's a beautiful movie, and I'm really kicking myself that I didn't see it on the big screen when I had the chance!

Huge respect to everyone involved in the creation of this masterpiece!

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