Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil

Saw this one last night before I knew about it using any AI artwork, I didn't find out about that till after the film and that is extremely disappointing and depressing. AI artwork is nothing more than a cheap and lazy cost cutting tool that takes away jobs from graphic designers and artists who could've easily produced the artwork for this film with the right care and passion.

It's disheartening to hear cause there's a lot of good things to say about this film. The production captures the aesthetics of the 70s talk show really well, there's some fantastic practical effects, and Dave Dastmalchian is excellent in the lead. I also gotta give major props to Ingrid Torelli who plays up Lily's creepiness to a tee, she was so good.

But all that goodwill isn't gonna excuse them using AI in this film which I why I don't really wanna give this film a proper rating/nor put it on my ranking of the year. I hope these filmmakers and studios do better next time and people learn from the backlash this film is getting because of its AI artwork.

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