Past Lives

Past Lives

I did like this movie. However, everything I’ve seen online about it said it would make me cry and I didn’t feel very sad at the end nor did I cry especially with how it just ends. But I do think it is a good movie to checkout on a rainy day or wait until it hits streaming or A24s Shop to pick up. This film if you have been through a relationship with someone at a young age and then moved away and never really felt like things were resolved and you still want to see them and reach out to them to see what could be and maybe just to even get some things off your chest then yeah this film will probably make you feel a certain way. I’d never been in a relationship until I met my fiancé so to me I just couldn’t relate to the film but I could relate in a sense of what if I had done something different in life how would my life look today and I think a lot of people have those same feelings not necessarily with relationships like did I choose the right person but did I make the right choice in career paths what if I wouldn’t have gone out that night or what if I would have gone out that night how different would my life look today and those things yes I do stay up some time and reflect upon but it’s just reflecting. I’d love to hear from y’all on how this film made you feel if you have been in a situation like this before did you reach back out to the person you were in love with and if so how did it go id love to hear from y’all!

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