Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

I don’t think its a stretch to say that the towers of this ungodly mega franchise have been crumbling in recent years, with decreasing financial returns & general lack of enthusiasm has seemingly growing in recent years. But especially now, in the wake of last years biggest film being a genuinely astonishing and sincerely crafted piece of old school spectacle, showing us exactly what a project of this magnitude should look like, does this seem even more insulting. This is barely on the level of a Nostalgia Critic skit, consisting of a hodgepodge of barely composed shots that range from “EXTREME EPIC SCI-FI AI ART” to your drunk friends uncomfortably standing in front of a JPEG. Produced solely to speed run the same rote beats so that in a few years legions of the most Stockholm-syndromed among us will salivate over recognising a character from a few years ago. If you’re gonna make ostensibly a 2 hour trailer for future movies that will also be 2 hours trailers for future movies and on and on and on, can we just grasp at straws and have it the least bit…. Thought about? This is one of the most deeply embarrassing and pitiful blockbusters I’ve ever seen, the snake is eating it’s tail and panicking as it falls apart, we’re forever stuck with this. Just pitiful at this point really.

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