Kyle Faulkner

Kyle Faulkner

not that big on cinema tbh
more into laura branigan

Favorite films

  • Making The Leftovers
  • Let the Right One In
  • Psalm III: Night of the Meek
  • Mermaid Legend

Recent activity

  • The Substance


  • Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Live at Padova

  • Nocturne

  • Justice League of America

Recent reviews

  • The Return of the Six-Million-Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman

    The Return of the Six-Million-Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman


    More like six dollars. Custom vid for the tracksuit community. All but salvages with a scintillating sax-heavy smackdown feat. Austin & Son in the final reel. And I cannot, ethically nor physically, 1-star a movie with a training montage set to Pointer Sisters Automatic.

  • Black Scorpion II: Aftershock

    Black Scorpion II: Aftershock


    So basically there's a new girl in town, a budding seismologist who has had enough of not being heard. Presto. Everyone's worst pvc nightmare is born. Muahahahahaaaa! Aftershock, what with all her scary quake tech, would be enough of a thorn on her own, but when she joins forces with scene-stealer Prankster to kidnap the gf of Scorp's garageman, things get to be a pain.

    Gotta admit Aftershock's a bit of a deepdive but I liked it? Like Batman Returns…

Popular reviews

  • Twin Peaks: The Return

    Twin Peaks: The Return


    Phenomena upon phenomena upon phenomena.

    Where are we even at with media?

    What night-time lost highway are we on?

    What year is this?

    Who would even know how to write this up? The linguistic gymnastics it would require to detail the specific machinations of drama on display here are well out of my reach. Why even bother with a synopsis �� a dutiful major is assigned to the hangover of Project Blue Book and unearths the mysteries of the evil…

  • Amateur



    I been busting out the classics to get me through and man, these movies are just life support. This is a big one in my personal growth. First saw it at 16 when it had just come out for video rental and I'd never seen anything so distinctively kind-natured whilst treating of such dark complex social issues. The very premise, that evil is just mnemonic, that we could all be just a bump on the head away from deliverance from…