
Oob Patron

Favorite films

  • Nobody's Fool
  • Jackie Brown
  • Out of Sight
  • Citizen Kane

Recent activity

  • Patriot Games


  • Once Upon a Time in China


  • Nobody's Fool


  • My Cousin Vinny


Recent reviews

  • Patriot Games

    Patriot Games


    Precisely one interesting scene—Jack Ryan staring in fascination/horror as he watches a spy satellite feed of an SAS strike force assaulting an IRA training camp he ID’d—and then a whole lotta Harrison-Ford-90s-Movie white noise. (The Fugitive seems to be the one notable exception during this career lull.) Granted, Jack Ryan’s never been all that exciting of a protagonist, his (dubious) selling point being “He’s an analyst, not an action hero!”, despite constantly being thrown in action hero situations. But journeyman…

  • Once Upon a Time in China

    Once Upon a Time in China


    Stellar example of a reportedly very fine movie from a genre I give roughly one-point-five shits about. Which is to say, hey, nice job Tsui Hark: you’ve made what Wikipedia tells me is one of the greatest Wuxia movies of all time, so you’ll receive a well-earned high five from me if/when we ever meet. Otherwise…just kinda bored throughout most of this; I enjoyed the incessant needling of colonial powers looking to slice up China in the name of spreading…

Popular reviews

  • Geostorm



    Back in 1994 I had a huge crush on a cheerleader at my high school named Ginger Jordan. The odds were decidedly not in my favor; I was a pudgy, oily-skinned, Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker-obsessed sophomore, while Ginger was a senior, one of the most popular students at the school, and only a few months away from heading off to college at UGA. Ginger tolerated my presence in a court-jester-to-the-queen sort of way—we shared the same drama class, during which I would use…

  • The Lorax

    The Lorax

    A movie about the Lorax made by and for people the Lorax would gleefully kick in the balls.
